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  1. Painful at times but an excellent read. The sort of analysis we should expect from a decent quality media. Well done all contributors
  2. jaymac


    Exceptional debate, and clearly illustrates why I enjoy Gersnet so much.
  3. jaymac

    Happy day

    Thought I would share this , in hospitality today the couple sitting beside us had travelled 7 hours from south wales to see the Gers, it was the guys birthday. A surprise from his wife, they get a photo with Nacho, Dave Smith and Barry Mackay and a tour of the stadium, Martin the birthday boy said before he left it was the best birthday he had ever had , and has been a true blue since he was eight, he was celebrating his 37 birthday, another true blue
  4. Thanks for that
  5. Bit of info please, is it an extra payment for bt if you have virgin media
  6. Waddell, I think, is the guy who said it was not only acceptable to attack us but reasonable to kick us when we were down. Obviously another fair minded journalist.
  7. Thought it was well handled by Chris, one of the positives which has come out of the whole saga has been the number of quality people , in various media, who are defending our club in highly articulate ways
  8. Excellent I have learned some new stuff with this post including anonymizing, superb word
  9. Cracking post, I think you have to go era specific. which means I get to ask you to include Bobby Shearer,Ralph Brand, Colin Stein and Bud, I know they have already been mentioned, just wanted to put my tuppence worth in
  10. Agree we should not get carried away but all of these young guys, so far, look confident and comfortable on the ball and while form as a team has been a bit patchy, we are still developing as a team. But if these young guys develop over the next 3/4 years we will have an incredibly experienced team of 19/20 year olds. How great would that be, and I was as bad as anyone whinging about Auchenhowie and the lack of product.
  11. Delighted the club have complained no more dignified silence crap, what frustrates is we are funding these low lifes. Remember when we played st Johnstone at the piggery( leagu cup final/semi final maybe) I think and a very drunk cosgrove was shouting ugly orange bs, my mate heading towards him looking to rearrange his face and a cop talked him out of it by saying if you hit the prick I would have to lift you so not worth the bother. He(cosgrove) obviously does not do irony using the term ugly with a face like his.
  12. Was at the game so never heard commentary, but do these sort of episodes not just reinforce how much they are hurting. It just seems to get more petty all the time. Having been involved in employment law for most of my career I do wonder how the bbc manage to consistently recruit anti Rangers bigots in all their football related programmes, probably just a coincidence eh?
  13. As above had a few beers with my son tonight so forgive me for being a little bit excitable, and my first ever thread on any Gers site, but I feel like tomorrow is Christmas, I'm so excited to see the Rangers tomorrow. So often in the last six months I thought the bigots were going to succeed in destrying us. I'm now heading towards my 60th year supporting the Gers( do not regret a second),and the one thing all the shit, viriol, bigotry and small mindedness we have overcome makes me as proud to be a Ranger as I was when my uncle took me to Ibrox for the first time in 1955. I know we use the term WATP but believe me its not an idle phrase we really are special, once a Ranger always a Ranger. Rambling but heartfelt, WATP, Enjoy tomorrow
  14. Easy solved do not give our enemies any opportunity to cause us problems, so don't ftp , ****** etc. we now have a quality pub on our doorstep so lets not make it difficult for big Robert when we don't need to, and bit obvious but can't resist it WATP
  15. Agreed, at one point it looked like the various bigots were determined to stop us playing. Thats why, even at my age, I'm counting the minutes till Saturday
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