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Everything posted by blueflag

  1. Hardly a big launch, or a decent site, some free template and nothing but a contact us form.
  2. hmm good question . as in stockbridge?
  3. I'm in too, keep me busy with that and a couple dream teams
  4. Which players are you comparing. They've had a dud for every scandanavian success
  5. Dont thank me,, thank autocorrect Thanks for learning me how to spell pray though
  6. Im more concernerd about his age and speed and versatitlity than what we pay him,( thats just an anooyance we pay an old man few k a week ) Ally hasnt got a clue, ally will play against hibs and hearts with 1 up front now, a 34 year old single striker. Just prey they bring in another, probably boyd. wouldnt bet against Claudio Canniga or someone else hitting there pension age
  7. Need to fit scaremongering in there, were all just scaremongering the bastards have spent all our money..
  8. somebody hide papa bears shoelaces :unionflag: :union:
  9. Fair enough but that tells me is Faure is on far too much per week too then. How much is he on (Faure)? anybody know? What s black on? Do you reckon miller be getting less than black? i dont want someone here to top up there pension , if he plays every game next season and bangs in 30 goals il eat ma words He signed clark for FA, hasnt gave the lad a chance Hemmings banged in loads of goals on loan elsewhere too. but nah we pay a old man to come in. dear doctor
  10. He's (boyd) signing for utd if bbc has any truth in there storys..( not that they ever do right enough ) Great, a lone stricker who's 34 and probably on about 8grand a week.
  11. dont know how this can be a positive, 34 yr old striker, dear doc Much he getting off us for his pension..Sorry salary... per week then?
  12. side buckling funny some peple still think Puma is some kind of 3rd world sports retailer. get over it. As for the top, after 6 months the onus is on you to tprove it was an inherant fault. however, i guess you should be able to do that since you emailed them about it months ago. however they can make you pay for a 3rd party to prove weather it was washing it too much , or a faulty shirt as 6 months have passed. ( well that was the JJB rules many moons ago )
  13. what an idiot. new code of conduct or not, what a complete fanny.
  14. Has the elite not already picked the winner anyway? :fishing: Spain and the Germans will do well, but i think may struggle with the humidity. Would have to say brazil or argentina on the basis i dont think the europan teams will quite handle the conditions. i'm sure spain played friendly last year in one of the staduims and struggled in a 0-0- match.
  15. Still not got my 3
  16. Flips sakes. leave Scott alone. know him and his family well!!.. ( hi Sharon if your about! lol ) Bloody Larky kids..( p.s canny be many timothy waynes aboot down there )
  17. Mate, i'll need to check the latest versoin of mwb, i will check at work tomorrow and check it still the same. dont think they made it premium only, used be the only diffenrece was premium kept you clean in live time. whereas the free version is on scan on demand only., might have changed there look on that. theres a few spyware remover's you can try like, in honusty malware bytes usually one of the best
  18. Last time i replied to one of there emails that invited me to reply the email bounced back for a week
  19. It should have 'remove' option as well ? boot the pc in safe mode, run a full scan in malware bytes, do remove all on anything found reboott into normal mode again and run a full scan and see it picks it up again.
  20. Its a shity drive-by malware. Malware bytes should remove it though no? select the box, and do remove all? Its coming from pop ups/ads/phoney sites
  21. Aye bet they are, they were nearly liquidated, and there new owner has came in and sacked the manager who done no to bad for what they had.. haha there fans are anything not entirely in hysterics. personally , I find it hilarious. completely hilarious
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