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Everything posted by blueflag

  1. Do we really need the running commentary?
  2. Does Dr Zia post on the fb page for rfb?
  3. Il check this and get back to you
  4. If you didn't laugh you would cry [emoji23] [emoji23] boy has that aim blogger pissed them off haha. Also if a bear had been arrested for hacking there site pretty sure it would have been public news. Me thinks he just ranting pish
  5. Shhhhh I like you....I know how IT works.....that's like tempting fate fella [emoji2]
  6. Sorted your typo @BD- Should see a little pencil sign beside the poll name
  7. Sorry for the closed forums tonight. We were upgrading our back-end software vbulletin to help further enhance background work done to make the site a bit more efficient We may in the future release some of the added features of vbulletin, however for the majority of you there shouldn't be much visable difference. Please drop us a email if you have any issues with php errors or database related to the forum . Thanks for your patience. Work was completed successfully and our database was closed at the time of upgrade to allow us to keep all posts made until I closed the forums tonight. Over and Out! BF
  8. It's a tricky one bertz. I've not had good luck with chrome and 8. Chrome runs sandboxed which win8 doesn't particularly like. But million other things it could be I'm afraid. I'd use the other browser and be happy.
  9. Does it do it in other browsers ? I.e the same laggy crap? Don't shoot the messenger but win 8 really built for IE
  10. Db I think that should have read *tin foil hat on again *
  11. Pretty sure there were outrage on facebook just other week when they stopped it haha
  12. Not any more it doesn't [emoji14]
  13. I'm down that way a lot. And know a lot of Geordies lol where when and how
  14. Well done Frankie . Your initial email seems to have worked a peach here. Go the power of the people
  15. And gersnet was there with a gersnet.cjb.net before he acquired a pretty domain. .. see. I remember well.
  16. Use a uk proxy and bbc if your really stuck
  17. Shit bed Stuart. Hope your well. If you can guess who I am and how I remember you there's a pint in it
  18. Well found an interesting pieces on the gambling commission website regarding integrity in sport betting. Available here http:// https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=MnTBVIGPD8TtUs6fg9AG&url=http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/pdf/Integrity%2520in%2520sports%2520betting%2520-%2520issues%2520paper%2520-%2520consultation%2520-%2520May%25202007.pdf&ved=0CC0QFjAA&usg=AFQjCNFZIt-ORi4YDDwm2aGuKTGu738yIg&sig2=cehzexRZVOZytvwZkGUeZQ I must stress I don't condone his actions, rather questioning how the sfa go about there business
  19. Indeed they can do that... However. that opens a can of worms I'm about 99%sure a decent lawyer would agree. They could tell the sfa about there concerns but they can't pass on sensitive personal information .. no matter what way they twist it word it spin it. If there's a crime the police have to go through certain criteria to get the data. So I repeat mate what gives any sporting authority this power. Somebody should challenge the sfa on this and piss on there parade. It depends all o what exactly they pass on in regards to sensitive information. Sensitive information is things you can be discriminated against which included d.o.b etc. How could sfa even confirm it was this player without them confirming the players d.o.b or some other sensitive info?
  20. Sorry Zappa. The information commissioner would not give a toss about any agreement with the sfa or the fact people bet on there own sports. Morally wrong I agree but acts like the data protection act don't hold much leeway for flexibility. Is it a crime? Legal crime? even the police can't just demand 'sensitive personal information' so what gives the sfa this right?
  21. I skipped by about 7 pages simply to reply to this. What nonsense I'm afraid, no such thing as as a private facebook! You can change any setting you want to hide from public however go take a read at the terms and conditions of Facebook. (And twitter for that matter) Then come back and concede your wrong
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