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Everything posted by no12

  1. Quote: A Members Voluntary Liquidation is a formal process for bringing the life of a limited company to an end so that the company can distribute its remaining assets to the shareholders. This can happen for reasons of retirement, intractable shareholder dispute, or simply because the limited company is no longer needed. The process can be done informally too, without the expense of a liquidation, subject to certain conditions, which is explained also. The company must be solvent, i.e. it can afford to pay all its creditors so that there is something left over for the shareholders. If the company is insolvent, it must be dealt with by another type of insolvency procedure, whether administration, receivership, voluntary arrangement, creditors' voluntary liquidation or compulsory liquidation. The main advantage of the members voluntary liquidation liquidation procedure is that distributions made in the liquidation count as capital receipts in the hands of the shareholders rather than income, and are subject to capital gains tax rather than income tax. This is likely to be beneficial if Entrepreneur's Relief is available for liquidations of trading companies Although Members Voluntary Liquidations are for solvent companies, the process is in many ways similar to handling an insolvent liquidation, for this reason, only a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner can legally be appointed Liquidator in an MVL. A Members Voluntary Liquidation can also be used in a tax-efficient manner where a company running more than one business wishes to split off one or more businesses. This is known as a Section 110 reconstruction and is explained below. End quote. Is it likely? Well I don't think anybody would be brave enough to suggest it - it would certainly not be in the club's interest, at the moment. A more likely scenario is that we lose the appeal on the tax issue (which is apparently VERY likely, unfortunately) at which point a MVL becomes impossible as it is an available option for solvent companies only.
  2. no12


    I have to agree, Anchorman. It is over-optimistic to expect watertight PR from a blustering bully like J.T. whose credibility mostly depends on people believing his own evaluation of himself. Some people do indeed believe it, most do not. This is one of the worst signings for the club in recent years, and that's saying something.
  3. no12


    It is disappointing how regularly our club feels that it's short of arseholes.
  4. What utter shite! I am well over 40 and remember very well the tragic frequency of the bloody, bloody murders perpetrated by and on members of both communities just across the water. To pretend that Glasgow was somehow isolated and insulated from that state of affairs is naive at best. The writer here has a not-so-hidden agenda and the vast majority of real football fans don't wan't the likes of him to have anything to do with the club whatsoever. We need him to stop pretending to be a football fan and perhaps to join a battle re-enactment society instead.
  5. Aye, in any other season in the SPL we'd be asking serious questions if we hadn't had an away win by this time.
  6. After the events of the last twelve months it must be obvious that Scottish football needs completely restructured. Any expansion of the SPL would be an attempt to save that infamous institution and must be resisted. Any invitation to join in with a reconstruction which involves the SPL in any form MUST be rejected out of hand.
  7. Hah! That's bringing back memories - I chose Rangers because blue was the colour of my favourite jiumper.
  8. It's trying to say exactly what it does say. If you're looking for something like "I love Rangers" or "I hate Rangers" don't bother reading stuff written by a historian.
  9. That one's worth a big attendance.
  10. I really don't want to be offensive in any way but a reader might be forgiven for reading this as being xenophobic paranoia. By "our own country" I presume you mean Scotland? Being overrun? By whom and why have most of us not noticed this alien invasion?
  11. Why on Earth would you go browsing Celtic forums? Life's too short mate - that's no way to spend your time.
  12. I think they'd gang fine thegither. And I'm sure he'd be very persuasive in his anti-bigotry arguments.
  13. I can't agree with your careless abandonment of Scottish football. "But look at what they've done to us!", you may say - and fairly - but to turn our back on the great opportunity offered us of turning round the game in this country over the next six years really WOULD be walking away. Which we don't do, remember? As for being Scottish in the UK, yes I know what it's like being Scottish but not in Scotland - having lived in several and worked in 29 countries over my working life I am well aware that it is not necessary to be in Scotland to have a Scottish identity - but I look forward to Rangers being a Scottish club in Europe again - we will get back there, stronger than ever, but running off to play in England would be a shameful way to do it.
  14. I agree with just about everything you say here BUT It's not a question of physically moving - it's a matter of emotional and spiritual identity. The idea of Celtic and others moving too does not fill me with glee. I am a Rangers supporter but also a Scotland supporter. Or is that just old-fashioned these days?
  15. Aye, it's all so predictable: "And New Rangers reach the Champions' League for the first time!" But if we MUST swallow our pride at least we have plenty to spare.
  16. It could well satisfy that section of our support who imagine that revenge is sweet at any price but I, for one, would be very, very unhappy if the great team I have supported for over half a century were to move to England. It is, has been, and will be the greatest ever Scottish football team. The day it moves to England is the day it ceases to be RFC.
  17. Well, I suppose supporters are always free to transfer allegiance to a prosperous English team but most of us know that this is not really what it's all about, don't we?
  18. I'm sure others will wonder, as I do, quite how you work that out.
  19. I don't think it's "being arsey" to point out that now is not the time to divide our support.
  20. Please reread the title of the thread.
  21. Again, I say this is no time to split our support. It would be interesting to know what percentage of us would follow, follow a team in England.
  22. I think we did pretty well for a. 3rd division team against a second.
  23. It is rather revealing that you left England out of your "no more" list. I'd say this is not the time to start such a split in our support - a very large percentage of us of us see our club as Scottish first and British second.
  24. I suppose we shouldn't take anything for granted. After all, they are a league above us!
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