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Posts posted by Scott7

  1. Knocked Peterhead off the top of the leaugue. Hope Rangers come up with us.


    And news from the City Board:


    "I heard the Ionic Bar was opening at 10am if the council approves. If so there are free pints for the first 10 Rangers supporters and unlimited shandy's for Elgin support. No spirits allowed. ex- Queens Own Highlanders are most welcome. Ask for Geordie McPhee"


    Could be a wind up but Burghead RSC had a pickup at the IO.

  2. Templeton's departure from SPL to SFL3 was the main topic of Traynor's phone-in on Saturday. I don't blame Jambos for being miffed but what the Hell has it got to do with hibbees, dons, tics and st js? All yapping about greed, no ambition etc. One elegantly spoken Highland Gentleman put them all in their place by suggesting that DCT just wanted to play for Rangers and who wouldn't?


    Traynor himself was careful to say that he did not necessarily hold the view that DCT was lacking in ambition and he was just putting the question. Why put the question on the agenda in the first place? But, wait. It was BBC Sportsound. Explains everything.

  3. "Gordon McLean, 31, of Thornliebank Road in Glasgow, also appeared and faced a charge of culpably and recklessly being in possession of a lit smoke canister "with utter disregard for the consequences"."


    What's a bloke of 31 doing playing with fireworks?

  4. Foggy - you're my generation near enough. Is it not the case, though, that whatever the match - Albion Rovers or AC Milan - Rangers always went for it from the start?


    When celtic began to revive and play very decent football under Burns, WS learned that the way to beat them was to stand off and let them run out of steam then snatch a goal. Now it's a way of playing Rangers can't seem to shake off.

  5. In the very old days before they copied L'pool, Aberdeen's strip was red shirt, white shorts and red socks with white tops an' muckle great tacketty boots.


    Haven't seen the hibbees but dark green is fine. Saw the tims by accident on the News. Hoops looked a bit retro. Was Bobby Evans playing for them again?

  6. "the big news from dundee today is the dandy comming to an end no more desperate dan."


    That's a real shocker, foggy, though there will still be a few desperate dans in cp this season.


    Korky (or somebody with a name like that) captained the Rangers.

  7. Could have done with this months ago, as others have said.


    The fact that the Tribunal hasn't managed to come out with a decision yet must show what a narrow case it is. The SPL cabal are obviously much more astute than the FTT.

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