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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Still not a good idea, though, is it? I seem to recall Duff & Phelps in their first report saying the Company had been using the PAYE deductions as working capital "not a sound business strategy". It's usually a sign that a business is on its last legs is it not? Buying time. Putting off the evil day. Not many recoveries from that position I don't think.
  2. Murder in Munchen tonight? You would think so but I had a feeling about Chelsea and EPL sides are hard to beat. On the other hand Chelsea's task was not so hard and when you do beat an EPL side it's often a drubbing.
  3. I thought last week they were still in it. Two goals and a clean sheet at the Bridge not a major problem. As for JM being the greatest, I'll review the matter in five years time.
  4. In "Hull City" the problematic bit is "Hull". "City Tigers" would be the better option.
  5. I remember wjhen we had far better teams than many Europeans but they held out the ninety minutes against us. Indeed the wily foreigner often stole a goal in the last minutes to put us out. I suppose we got a bit of our own back in the run to Manchester.
  6. "As you'll remember, we beat that great Dundee team of Alan Gilzean, Kenny Cameron et al in the 1964 Final; but that, as they say, is another story." Why yes, I remember it well and I look forward to your story.
  7. Near to greetin' at the memory. The Hearts final was a replay after a 1-1 draw. Standing room only on a train back to Edinburgh 'Gers and Hearts fans happily mixing. An old guy said to me my team was there to be beaten that day. My response " fair enough but you couldn't do it." No acrimony just football talk. The Dundee champs were a smashing side. Great team to watch but not when cuffing you 1-5. Ian McColl played a blinder in the cup final after being out with injury most of the season.
  8. I like Milner. No genius but a good worker. It's exciting stuff. Any one of the top three will be deserving champions. Can Hart or Cech defy Suarez? A couple of years ago I'd have said Cech. Last year I'd have said Hart. Now I'm not sure either is up to it.
  9. "Don't see why anyone should like them" Trauttman, Revie, Johnston, Bell, Lee, Summerbee ... I could go on. Plus they play in blue even if it's the wrong shade, plus they're not United. Chelsea have played a lot of nice football over the last ten years but I can't forget their showbiz nonsense in the sixties. Bring back Roy Bentley, I say.
  10. Well, at certain times in the game they did but in the first half Southampton played really good football. City remind me a bit of the Gazza/ Laudo teams. Miles ahead of the opposition but occasionally lethargic and ineffective - the teams, obviously because neither Gazza or Laudrup could be described that way. Anfield will be some match next week. City to burst the red balloons - if they can keep Suarez under some control.
  11. Rangers were playing Hearts at Tynecastle the Saturday before Waddell took over on the Monday. Some of the players were remarkably hirsute about the visage at that time and Waddell sent a telegram to his old buddy Willie Thornton who was acting manager in terms: "No close shaves today. Just a clean cut win." The whiskers were away for the next Saturday. I'd forgotten about JG right enough.
  12. Fair play to the Hibs, that's a decent flag. As for Timothy, he does know that the HM in HMRC stands for Her Majesty's doesn't he? If so, fair play to him too for his recognition of a Department of the Realm of which he is a subject.
  13. Willie Waddell would not have allowed a player for Rangers to take the field unshaven.
  14. Aye, but they're only wee tricolours completely lacking the magnificence of the Brigton Boys' mighty emblem.
  15. That's a brilliant banner. Where do we send donations? Glad the polis couldn't object to any of the text or images.
  16. Sturridge scores plenty but so would my granny alongside Suarez and she's not a good player.
  17. At 1 - 2 they were safe bets. I still think they can do it and I'm not a fan. They were annointed the season they won it. Zero luck when they lost to United in Moscow. Funny game the football.
  18. Shed no tears for ICT. A club with no future despite their fluke appearance in the LC final. Shows up Aberdeen's mediocrity that they couldn't wn it in open play.
  19. Yep. Running away with the ball. Damned unsporting. Deserved all he got.
  20. Seriously? He was worth nearly as much as Agathe was before Artur Numan tied his bootlaces together.
  21. Bayern played astonishing football at rocket speed especially the first half hour. They also couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding in this game.
  22. Rio looking shell- shocked after ten minutes but it's 0 - 0 at HT. In fact Utd. could have had three. Not a lot wrong with Welbeck's disallowed effort.
  23. On BBC R4 this am confessed without being prompted to do so that without Rangers there was a lack of competition. He seemed quite subdued not the usual triumphalism nor indeed the usual Timmery. Still doesn't get you absolution, Peter.
  24. "I really don't like Celtic. I don't like their club, their colours, their badge, their songs, their fuckin horrible strip, their horrible stadium, their directors, their bullshit history, their bullshit ethos, their manager and most definitely their players. I really don't like their players. " I'm kind of with you there but I don't think McKay is over contaminated. It's a while ago now, he wasn't there long and he didn't do us any harm.
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