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Posts posted by Scott7

  1. According to his mum on the radio this am. "His dad played for Hibernian and the whole family are big Hibs fans."


    Good luck to the young man - we all have our troubles in life.


    I only mention this because he was touted as either a bear or a jambo. I always thought he was hertz because he talks posh like Gorgie folk, 'ken?

  2. "You'll wipe the floor with the hibbies" - You wouldn't be trying to lull us into a false sense of security, would you, NS?


    Were you "First Green" or "Brother Warner" in another time and another place?

  3. Look at the determination on Ian McColl's face in the photo above.


    McColl, Woodburn, Cox. A half line of footballing hard men. Were Greig, McKinnon, Baxter better?


    I can't quite see who's behind George Niven because of that big polis (Bobby Hume, perhaps) then come Caldow, Baird and Scott. What players we had! Well, maybe not big Sammy, right enough but we could do with him now.

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