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Everything posted by Scott7

  1. Very interesting. If he could afford a good lawyer he might have a bit of sport with the wording of the regulation.
  2. Better to let Murty get it over with. He's got nothing to lose. A new guy comes in to a debut hammering and he's off on the back foot. Murty will deserve considerable gratitude for standing on the burning deck.
  3. Right enough, PNE haven't been up to much since Howard Kendall left for Everton but Tom Finney played for them and sentiment rules.
  4. I though it was the team that were the Wimbledon hooligans.
  5. Magpies, Wednesday, PNE, Villa, Forest, Wolve all big names from Sports Report on the wireless in the distant days of childhood. No telly then, so your "visuals" came from cinema newsreel a week out of date and the magazine Charles Buchan's Football Monthly. Superb photography most of it black and white. Get rid of the Norwiches, Sotons, Stokes and Palaces and that poncey Chelsea and bring back these great names plus Bolton and Sheffield United while we're at it. I apologise to followers of my reject clubs for my prejudice, bias and arrogance - except Chelsea of course, deserved champions-elect. Damn them.
  6. I thought he would be the new George Young. Didn't become as good as that but was an honest, reliable player. Sad for his family.
  7. Rangers are playing like wannabes. Raise their game at home against the bigger teams - Hearts, Aberdeen - then think it's all over and fail to trap against their fellows in mediocrity. Warburton's legacy.
  8. Somebody on radio was mentioning QPR when they were non-league but I suspect YB is right. In the Scottish Cup the only non-league side to get to the quarters was Elgin City 1968 lost 2 - 1 at Morton. Morton's first was offside and the second was a blatant push on the 'keeper while City were denied four clear penalties. At least that's the way I saw it.
  9. I think he was jesting, BH. A man of wit is Uilleam.
  10. The season of the Imps. Sorry for Burnley though not for Barton. City fail to score and Town still in it. Chelsea tame the Wolves. Boro beat Oxford. Lions too good for Foxes.
  11. Lockwood was an authorised agent. If he exceeded his agent's powers that's MW's problem.
  12. No. BH knows about Scott, McMillan, Millar, Brand and Wilson. TE on the other hand knows nothing about Rangers.
  13. Why do I feel squeamish about the word "Volunteer"?
  14. I've no doubt you're a man of considerable abilities as evidenced by many useful posts on this board but that is your finest hour. Even Mrs 7 laughed.
  15. I sense a new agenda to separate the fans from the club. They've tried everything else. This would be a killer if it worked. It won't.
  16. I took Compo's advice, changed my mind and replied. With regard to the Cameronian's post above I twice heard Peter Martin (?) former sellick PR wittering on late night Radio 4 news programmes deploring in a reasonable sounding way football violence and sectarianism but making it clear more in sorrow than in anger it was all Rangers' fault. I told R4 about the man's pedigree and I haven't heard him on proper wireless since then. I also told them to be careful about "experts" put up by BBC Scotland because they were all nags from the same stable. Even better I had correspondence with PM tormenting him about his bias which in a four page apologia he was unable to deny. He passed the baton to the above-mentioned Mrs Miller who could fare no better. After all, you're only as good as your ammunition in these things. Ultimately she agreed to write to the Lord Provost of Glasgow suggesting that she, the LP, emulate Rotterdam's civic head by condemning the use of sport for political or religious platforms. Nothing came of that, of course, and not having the honour of being a citizen of Glasgow, I could not take it further. Both Miller and Martin departed from NBM soon afterwards. At about the same time I was in touch with Edinburgh North LibDem, Donald Gorrie, who had entered the anti-Rangers fray with astonishing vigour to represent upper middle class Scotland in chastising working class bigots. In fairness to him he admitted that he had not really been aware of the Republican aspect of the problem and he piped down a bit. Responding to inaccuracies put forward as gospel and shining a lamp on ignorance are never a waste of time. There's no need to rant and rave. A measured response relying on facts only drives them wild.
  17. Some managers like to be left alone. Beckenbauer used to stand motionless and isolated on the touchline
  18. Chelsea City Gunners Hotspurs
  19. Preussens Gloria be ok, dB? That's a crash bang walloper if ever there was one. Makes heavy metal sound like a harp.
  20. I don't bother with BBC Scotland nowadays but I was in someone else's domain for five minutes this evening and I heard a snooty Irishman yapping that you can only resign from a job in writing. I wonder if he brings this level of ignorance to all of his proclamations.
  21. True but is that DK's scenario?
  22. Buy the shares and you own the company. The company owns the assets subject to any securities. So as BH says, you have to ask the Bank for £100 to buy the shares and in addition £300 to put into the company's bank account. The investment in the company is £300. The total cost is £400. The Bank makes two separate appraisals or more likely a single overall appraisal. Speaking loosely you could say you have invested £400 to acquire and therafter operate the company but the true investment, the money the company gets as opposed to the money the seller of the shares gets is £300.
  23. Depends what you're appraising.
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