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Daniel Amokachi

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Everything posted by Daniel Amokachi

  1. Our women's team is not 'our own'. Rangers youths, reserves and seniors are the only relevant groups to be concerned about. If we got rid of our entire womens development, that could potentially help fund development of the next Barry Ferguson......Take all our womens fund and put it into scouting......
  2. I saw a retarded thread on RM about playing women players and thought I would put my own spin on it
  3. The time for harshness has come my friend. We are not a top flight club. We are a club that should be competing in the champions league that probably will never again Fuck all the weakness, to hell with them all. Stand up, salute the Union Jack and get fucking militant. We are chased by one and all and must eliminate weakness.
  4. They can feel free to use their own money but they shall use none of mine
  5. Who said they put us into administration? They are a silly irrelevance and should cease to exist. Anything that doesn't contribute to the great Rangers FC side should fuck off and die. There is no room for passengers in this warzone. I have long wanted us to eliminate our female side but only now has it seemed appropriate for me to voice. Have you seen the elite women international sides? It's like a shite joke
  6. The ******s are a retched bunch that should not be tolerated.
  7. Yes that is exactly what I am suggesting. Why don't we waste a heap of money in building a team of midgets as well? Fuck, they'll probably be better than some of the cluggers like McCulloch and Broadfoot that we have............
  8. We have put up with shite for too long. 3 year plans, smoke and mirrors, all of it should be behind us. Can we now simply put a plan into place where Rangers will now aim to become a force again and play entertaining football to the masses? Can somebody please fucking take control of this situation and sort this club out? I've put up with watching terrible football for too long. Can we finally build some sort of infrastructure at the club that we can be proud of? We are playing in a leagues we will walk, there is no excuses for not playing football the correct way. Ally may make statements that please the masses but he better start making attempts to actually play football. As popular as Walter was, his and Ally's brand of football is unwatchable and I won't travel hundreds of miles to watch it in the third division.
  9. I hope you are trolling
  10. Now that we are in dire straits and in a position where we desperately need to rebuild, we must cut all unnecessary costs to help get us back to greatness. My goal? In 10 years we should be capable of reaching the quarter finals of the champions league on a regular basis. Why not? A club of our stature should be and only mismanagement has led to us failing massively. How do we do this? As I said above, unncecessary costs need cut and the first of these must be any female involvement in our club. We need to eradicate any funding into the irrelevant women's game. It is just a silly joke nobody is interested in and it serves us no purpose. Get rid of it now. What other shite things can we get rid of?
  11. I'm not saying it's new, just that it's the prevalent formation among decent modern day sides.
  12. Would imagine he's trying a lot of kids
  13. Says it all that someone on a forum is more clued up than this misfit. No disrespect to you by the way FS, your posts on here and RM give me some hope that we have some intelligent supporters. Of course when you displayed the above mentioned intelligence RM almost exploded and immediately branded you a tarrier. In future you should stick to shite jokes about Lovenkrands at Ross Hall and Jelavic being on a plane to blend in with the rest of the clueless retards
  14. Unfortunately I have come to realise that a lot of our fans are thick as big shit
  15. I wonder if Dundee fans were laughing when he did a Whyte/Murray/Hitler on them
  16. Please stop posting his gibberish. There's something horrifically ironic about being conned by two misfits and championing another.
  17. Pearce is typical of the British game. Shite.
  18. 3-5-2? FFS it's deployed successfully by about 3 sides in the whole planet. Now is the time to have NEW ideas, not harking back to a dead formation. Even 4-4-2 is pretty much dead, 3-5-2 is beyond dead bar the odd exception like Napoli who have the discipline and technique to pull it off. There is a reason there is no decent team in the UK that uses it. We should be following the Barcelona model and forcing every level from boys to senior playing 4-3-3 with complete and utter focus on short passing and skill. Playing 3-5-2 is something I've often seen suggested on Rangers forums, way back 10 years + ago on FF. Generally it's suggested by old timers that last knew what they were talking about 30 years ago. The game has changed and at the high level it is now all about 4-3-3
  19. Once again you seem to be confusing the past with the present.
  20. The level Beckham reached at his peak is neither here nor there, he is currently a far better player than Giggs. Giggs offers zilch now and is a pretty irrelevant part of the Man Utd team, only features in little over half the EPL games in a season now. Beckham could have been playing in the EPL in recent seasons if he wanted. He won everything with the best Man Utd team in decades. Why leave his millions per year contract in the USA well into his 30's?
  21. I personally hope we concentrate on playing football the correct way rather than just focusing on winning the league as quickly as possible. If you concentrate on the first, the latter will soon follow.
  22. Windass was joking
  23. Giggs was a world class winger and is now just another mediocre Man Utd midfielder. Their team is full of them.
  24. I agree with this. In the past one of the arguments for not focusing on youth development and playing good football has been that there's too much pressure for us to win the SPL. Well now we are playing dire teams and should walk the league so perfect opportunity. I knew the day a few years ago when we had lost the league and McLeish still played a full strength team of misfits that this clearly is just not a club interested in long term planning.
  25. Our fans representatives make worthless statements. There is no action.
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