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Daniel Amokachi

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Everything posted by Daniel Amokachi

  1. It's irrelevant what formation you play if you make little attempt to play football
  2. People unhappy with the dire football we have played for years don't expect us to suddenly play spell binding football or anything. But I think you should be smart enough to know this already. I hope.
  3. When in the past 5 years have we been playing attractive football?
  4. Ah, the old throwaway Barca/Brazil/La Liga comment when someone correctly states how poorly we are playing. As irrelevant now as ever.
  5. Have you fallen asleep while we have been playing the exact same football for several seasons? Most people don't care though as long as we win.
  6. Before Ally was made manager, I wanted to see a completely new managerial team in charge as the current one played an ugly brand of dated football. Ah but Ally will play his own style they said. He didn't. Last season we saw the same brand of long ball rubbish repeated, give it some time they said, the team has to gel. I won't fall for this again, I will just expect to see crap football and then I won't be disappointed.
  7. This game's been similar to our European games last season. That is the OP's point. My main concern is the complete lack of attempt to play anything resembling football...again.
  8. I was having a job telling who some of our players were on Alba so needed some help!
  9. 'A vital goal for new Rangers'. STFU Rob you trolling, bitter twat!
  10. We need rid of Goian asap. A player on £15k + a week who can't handle 2nd division opposition.
  11. I might agree with you were it not for the fact that we are just playing exactly the same as last season....
  12. Spot on. I had hoped with us going down divisions we would be able to play with a bit of style but old habits die hard. McCoist would be better in some sort of ambassador role because I have never seen him display anything impressive on the managerial front.
  13. More than Ally seems capable of delivering.
  14. Well today's game shows I'm wasting by breath. Same old shit.
  15. Getting the players to pass the ball to a blue shirt now and then would be a start.
  16. We are playing exactly like we did for most of last season i.e. very poorly. If this doesn't concern you then fine.
  17. This games done nothing to give me any confidence about Ally's managerial ability.
  18. Look at the picture quality
  19. When are they going to speak properly
  20. You can't even get his name right. Try harder next time.
  21. She can fuck off right away
  22. All that must concern this club now is getting back its rightful place as Scotland's premier football team. I don't give a shit about 'the family' Being the best side in the SPL should be a short term goal too. We should be looking at sides like Porto that can compete in Europe and beyond as an end goal
  23. As long as we score 1 more than the other some weeks and you get pished that's all that matters eh
  24. We live in such a convoluted society where we are the bad guys surrounded by a religion and football club enshrined in bigotry and paedophilia
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