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Daniel Amokachi

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Everything posted by Daniel Amokachi

  1. Why is the money split 50/50? Scottish clubs certainly do well out of us
  2. Sick of reading his gibberish. He should crawl back under the rock he came from.
  3. We're not going to have a Puma kit and an Umbro kit, no. Maybe when the Umbro deal runs out.
  4. John Brown stopped being relevant when he opened his mouth. Charles Green has had my support from Day 1 but I will continue to watch him with very close caution. The people who were flat out 'anti-Green' are morons. Green's done a good job so far but one of my main concerns is he's not here for the long haul and therefore there's not much in it for him to focus on planning for the long term.
  5. Someone on RM said this was happening a few days ago.
  6. Well done Rangers
  7. Sportsound have not had a bad word to say about us all night
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/17502567
  9. Near sell out according to Radio Scotland
  10. Little's too long in the tooth to make it as a decent striker as it is, playing him in defence is just going to turn him into a poor mans Christian Daily
  11. Why are East Fife getting half the gate receipt?
  12. Oh great 3-5-2. And Little playing at wing back too, this will help the 23 year old establish himself as a decent striker
  13. The way round paying over the odds for rubbish is both scouting and youth coaching. But we're about 20 years too late and it probably won't be in Green's interests to focus on long term goals.
  14. 3 of Eck's trophies for us were league cups which massages the statistics somewhat. The Carling Cup is a pretty much irrelevant trophy that nobody cares about. It's not really even worth arguing about that. Even the FA Cup is starting to lose it's significance, both with small and big teams because compared to the league and European football, there's little money to make.
  15. I see our fluke run that year and I raise you a Viktoria zizkov.
  16. He's a dire manager that plays the worst football imaginable and hopefully he's now out the game for good. You're sticking up for a guy so intept that we finished third in the SPL and lost something like 11 games on the trot to Celtic. Absolutely 100% inept. Overall he is seen a a joke in England too. The Carling Cup is irrelevant.
  17. The player was identified by Advocaat http://www.thefreelibrary.com/%5B0%5D+Football%3A+ARTETA'S+A+MIKEL+OF+A+BUY%3B+Murray+praises+Advocaat's...-a084007528
  18. No European money, next to no TV money, attendances for cups etc will be tiny. All cause for concern. Plus this club seems to have a knack for having a big black hole that sucks up millions and millions a year. Paying > £20k per week for dross like Whittaker is what had us on our knees while we had European money coming in. Just because he's gone, it doesn't mean we're suddenly hitting massive profit.
  19. I could probably name a good 25 atrocious signings he made that cost us fortunes to pay off. We made no development as a club during his reign.
  20. An Advocaat signing that just arrived after Eck did.
  21. The Birmingham fans certainly wouldn't agree. He was widely hated for the style of football he played and woeful results. Funnily enough the Villa fans found the same thing. It's little wonder given this is the guy that took an old firm club to third in the league. He might have had limited resources to spend but the general players he bought were not even SPL worthy, and he was given huge wage resources compared to other SPL clubs. And hey, let's not pretend he didn't get any money. When we sold Boumsong he was given pretty much all of it to spend on 2 players (Buffel and Ferguson). He got over £4m to spend on one player in the SPL. Hardly the sign of someone with no money to spend. Given the guy tended to spend waste every penny he was given (£1.1 million on Mladenovic anyone?), it's little wonder he wasn't trusted with much cash.
  22. He was given ample resources to sign players of a far higher calibre than Capucho, Emerson, Ostenstad, Maniero (I could go on all day, just pick a bunch out of any of his signings and they'll probably all be rotten). He is an absolutely dire manager.
  23. I hope Green knows what he's doing because we're spending massive amounts on wages considering the division we'll be playing in. Spending out with our means time and time again got us into this situation.
  24. 5 of his trophies were in the first 18 months with Advocaat's team. 90% of Eck's signings were atrocious and the football was appalling.
  25. Who in modern day football plays a 4-3-1-2 with no wide players?
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