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Everything posted by m_momo1

  1. I don't post much but always have a read when I'am home and think it should be left seperate
  2. confessions of the window cleaner
  3. It says he's a midfielder according to skysports.
  4. Boumsong said he didn't want to leave rangers before aswel, just to keep the fans sweet. We prob won't see him playing here next summer, its like how we raid hibs etc bigger teams will raid us
  5. Lol lucky you m8 ! My odds ended up being 150/1 but I didn't think we would go over there and play tactics, fought we would go over there and give them a royal pumping and scare our next opponents maybe leak a goal the way they played at ibrox, but can't complain as were through... money would've been a big bonus but..... fingers cross for the weekend coupons
  6. I had rangers 3-1 against zeta cuellar first goal with a £5 stake well we all know the outcome of this game
  7. m_momo1


    Good signing need more good squad players that can cover players when the rangers jinx happens. Anyone heard the rumours that hemdani is on his way out fo ibrox was listening to it on the radio last night shocker for me if he goes.
  8. In the Metro today collins laughs at rangers £3mill attempt move for the pair. Saying there are possible premiership teams and Celtic of course also after them and we (rangers), where trying to do the sneaky by putting in early bids. To be honest can't see us paying £2-3mill each for them. I'd be sad to see them at the other half of the City. For the above post Brown's contract runs out 2009 and Thomson 2010
  9. lol and how he got critisised for not moving on.. :admin: GO ON NACHO PROVE THEM WRONG. (had my backing btw) He showed it in the CIS cup, a think the game Boyd scored a cracker of a volley
  10. wheres colshy ??
  11. Wow the most thourgh (sp) explaination to a reply I've ever read.. Explained alot about the disease you just never knew thanks Doc Get well soon Ian !
  12. there was a picture of the guys in the sun going to the game wearing it.. so wouldn't it narrow it down to 1 supporters bus and how the pic got released.. the police are leaving it down to if anybody knows who they are report it.. would be weird to see the reaction if it was one of the OF its a f"cking joke this stuff isn't dealt with... just after rangers realeses the report to the SFA about treating other teams and their fans the way they do with OF can't remember what the reports called.
  13. when do tickets go on sale for home games We got away with a really hard group me thinks.. we should qualify but depends on how we play.. we need to get on form.. heres to sebo getting into a routine habbit of scoring
  14. gets them back playing sooner and better look at that prick larsson... sour grapes right now but it always happens to us...
  15. watching football like that and looking at scottish football brings up serious questions when you see shitty championship teams playing some cracking football... something should be done to sort this out real quick before all the fans of tomorrow start watching premiership teams instead fo the SPL look at readings ground and players compared to most the spl teams... its a real joke BUT what a goal
  16. just realised potentially 3 gays in 1 team bet they where looking forward to the showers
  17. sol GAY ?? first i've heard of it but the ljunberg being gay has been doing the rounds for a couple of years now good footballer right enough puts all they sterotypes right out the window. Always fought there was something camp about Patrick Vieira, maybe just me.
  18. loved big shota.. hope he keeps doing well and enjoying his football wonder why we did let him go owell.. only Eck knows
  19. m_momo1


    boyds goal was a cracker hopefully he does that against the tic
  20. There could be a part two I also found it disappointing even though I caught the last 15-20min was hoping to see dodgey managers and agents in closed off car parks wearing trench coats dropping of the loot in a bin
  21. There could be a part two I also found it disappointing even though I caught the last 15-20min was hoping to see dodgey managers and agents in closed off car parks wearing trench coats dropping of the loot in a bin
  22. forgot about young rooney.... hmm gna be an interesting game .. 4-0 man u.. to bad don't think a can watch much of this forgot about the footy an got a burd coming down.. gutted..
  23. klos loyal
  24. they went into this game thinking it would be easy specially after the draw with the world champions with 1point hehe
  25. can't say a support any them but like someone said a like the underdog situations and like seeing an english team gettin humped in the champs league apart from arsenal for some reason..
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