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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It should be noted we’ve only conceded 19 goals in the league this season - same as the yahoos-  although they’ve played a game more.


    However they’ve scored 20more than us & that’s where our problems lie. If Morelos isn’t scoring then who is ? We’d two central MF players on Wednesday night (Davis & Kamara) who haven’t got a league goal between them this season. 

    We need to hope Morelos returns to form & hope he’ll still be here next season because if he isn’t...


    what’s  disappointing too is I hear there are all sorts of fall-outs amongst the yahoos squad. Many can’t stand Lennon who praises players in public & slaughters them at lennoxtown. And bolingoli is AWOL. Lennon doesn’t rate the Polish striker signed in January and so on...

  2. 24 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Absolutely agree. I'm very disappointed no announcement has been made today regarding a new captain.

    Think Tav will play & be captain on Sunday but SG has dug himself into a hole regards Goldson.

    He dropped katic after the St Johnstone game after a poor performance.

    He’s since allowed Goldson& Edmundson to get away with poor performances against hearts & Hamilton 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Stevie - 4lads Blog said:


    Barisic wasn’t blamed at all - the blog states that 


    His reaction is the talking point 

    I think it says MacGregor blamed Barasic. For me the goal was 100% Goldson to blame. He had the best opportunity to clear & didn’t.


    However for me the bigger problem on the night was our failure to score at home against the team at the bottom of the league. Totally unacceptable.

  4. 1 hour ago, der Berliner said:

    On a similar note:


    Stand up and be counted, if you can’t then get out of our club



    It’s a fairly balanced piece by 4lads but there’s no escaping the management team have made mistakes in recent weeks & have shown favouritism to certain players which has cost us.


    And I’m not sure how Barasic was to blame for Hamilton’s goal the other night !! Goldson 100% as far as I was concerned 

  5. 22 minutes ago, cooponthewing said:

    Aye, I do remember that era and it was def not pretty! "Greig must go" was a regular chant round Ibrox. Totally agree re the atmosphere last night. I hung around at the end (Niece body swerve the game) and the toxicity was vicious.

    Anyone comparing the end of  John Greig’s time as Rangers manager & just now is kidding themselves.

    Back then we could barely get in the top four.

  6. 13 minutes ago, duffman1872 said:

    In his post match interview Gerrard saying the dressing room was quiet, they should be tearing shirts of eachother in there, there should be square go's left right and centre, how many of these guys can we say actually give a fuck? Shagger maybe? Went absolutely nuts at Goldson and only one who actually shows a bit of passion and emotion, feel totally lost tonight

    I never saw the interview. But the dressing room was quiet ??? Quiet ??

    can u imagine ur 9IAR team in the 90’s after a result like tonight? Gough, Goram, McCall etc would be tearing the paint of the walls

  7. There won’t be wholesale changes between now & the end of the season because we don’t have the squad to do so.

    However I do think we will try to move on some of the first team regulars who’ve been disappointing of late at the end of the season.

    Regards our form before the winter break I think it just goes to show how reliant we are on an on-form Morelos. That needs to change if we’re to challenge for the title next season.

  8. Another appalling refereeing performance.Surprised little mention of it on here

    For starters we should have had a penalty when Kent got impeded in the box. Anywhere else on the pitch that’s a foul. 

    Of course Hertz should have had a penalty too when Edmundson handled but from resultant corner Damour (already on a yellow)deliberately handles. A second yellow card which becomes a red card and a sending off.

    There were also various other baffling decisions but no one at Rangers seems to want to challenge the increasing number of decisions going against us

  9. 1 minute ago, MacK1950 said:

    Yes soon we will have robots playing in the same way we are in the process of getting driverless cars etc.just programme them and send them out!!!!!!!!!!

    Kris Boyd said something like that recently. Difficult to disagree with him

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