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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 3 hours ago, craig said:

    We haven't seen an global economic complete shutdown lasting for multiple weeks before.  We also haven't seen stimulus packages of the quantum or needs as this one.  That is their point, they can't use previous trends because this is unchartered territory.  I contend that it isn't common and hasn't really happened before either - even in the Great Depression, economies were still working.  This one, globally, has ground to a halt.  I am perhaps an optimist but I am with Bill in that I suspect that once things open up again I think that industries and jobless numbers will drastically reduce.  My fear, though, would be a 2nd or 3rd wave - not so much as it could result in another lockdown but that the markets will react very unfavorably to that instance - I personally don't think a 2nd or 3rd wave, and how they are handled, has been priced into the markets yet.


    The lockdown is causing the economic carnage but it certainy isn't causing the wider health issue - unless you consider economics to be the only issue.....  If governments don't get the "r" below 1 (average rate of contamination) then you have an expanding virus.  Timing will be everything with this - herd immunity is not only a foregone conclusion but also essential to build immunity and build people to be asymptomatic.  However, you and I both know that the markets don't work on common sense all the time.  If, for example, the UK says in 6 months time that there is an increase in CV cases again you can guarantee that the markets will go into a frenzy, not matter whether it is short term or not.  No matter whether a 2nd wave is a large, or small, issue.


    It is all very well to say stop the lockdown and get back to work, but that runs the risk of infections rapidly increasing again and even greater pressure on the healthcare systems around the world.  As I said, timing is everything.


    Back on topic, yes Rangers must now tighten the belts - what will be interesting to see is what happens across the city - as I said earlier, everything is relative in Scotland, how we do is relative to Celtic - but their wage bill is significantly greater than ours and is largely dependent upon making the CL.  Will they ultimately have to sell assets to a) cover wages b) get some wages off the books to lower costs and c) ultimately balance the books.  This could hurt them financially far more than it hurts us, which brings them closer to us financially, which then MIGHT allow us a chance to challenge, even without the need to have a "war chest".

    Did Ra Shellik not have annual operating costs of over £80m in recent accounts??

    If so I’d think they’d much more to worry about...

  2. 18 minutes ago, onevision said:

    Nope but it will most likely be an attempt to slip something under the radar.

    For me they got offered league reconstruction if they voted to accept the SPFL proposal to finish the lower leagues & award the premiership to the yahoos.

    But league reconstruction requires an 11-1 vote in the premiership. Rangers will vote against & I cannot see why the yahoos would want it either. Others too maybe.

    Budge & others have been sold a pup with league reconstruction in return for voting for the SPFL proposal

  3. One wonders how much longer the ominous silence from glasgow’s East end will continue regards the SPFL vote fiasco. 

    Liewell seems to have abandoned his 3 SPFL placemen who are now coming under fire from everyone.

    Do the yahoos support an independent SPFL investigation or not?

    Do the yahoos support league reconstruction or not?

    Hopefully we are now beginning to see the end of liewell’s cast iron grip on Scottish football

  4. The SPFL are on the backfoot. Where we want them. We must make the most of this opportunity to get rid off their senior office bearers with yahoo sympathies.


    We are now in a situation where we have others who share our concerns about the SPFL. We must work with them to achieve our goal to eliminate some or all of Doncaster, McKenzie & McLennan. 


    After this we can then turn our attention to the SFA....

  5. 5 minutes ago, buster. said:

    Precedent over the last decade doesn´t make me particularly optimistic that the evidence will be high grade enough to achieve what we are apparently hoping for.


    However, the one difference is that Donald Park very much put his name to it.

    Hopefully, that means something. 

    Presume you mean Douglas Park?


    The SPFL behaviours is intriguing. Not exactly the actions of an innocent party.

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