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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I don’t think we’re as far behind Celtic as the OP suggests. Our form after the break was a mystery but the absence of Morelos was a major factor and when he returned he was well short of match sharpness. I still think the squad is a bit short in one or two areas and selling to strengthen might be the answer.


    Regards since we returned to the premiership, the disastrous summer  signings in 2016 by MW & Pedro a year later in 2017 hindered us greatly and meant we couldn’t mount a proper challenge 


  2. 23 minutes ago, Bill said:

    Doncaster is in his position by virtue of Celtic's patronage and sufferance. He will stay until he's told to go and he will go when he's told. This entire affair looks like coming apart in Peter Lawwell's hands and can only be contained by avoiding an independent investigation. Therefore, Doncaster may well be sacrificed on the condition there is no investigation and to keep the Celtic name in the clear. Celtic may well succeed in this but it looks like Rangers have enough to force the issue in court or at least to destroy the cabal Lawwell has worked so long to establish.

    Doncaster will be the fall guy. His position is now  untenable 

  3. It is unbelievable that there are those who cannot see that there was collusion between the SPFL and the yahoos to hand them the title by calling the leagues early & threatening clubs if they didn’t agree they wouldn’t get their payments. That was the plot all along but there was a couple of problems.


    The first problem was getting the clubs to agree so a farcical vote was held with clubs being blackmailed & the doomed offer of league reconstruction was aired. Eventually the vote carried under circumstances Robert Mugabe would have been proud of. And leagues reconstruction is now a dead duck. Quelle surprise.


    The second problem was the SPFL didn’t have the money to pay out the clubs. And they had a £10m potential liability to SKY so (to get the TV money for the remainder of the season to pay clubs) they offered SKY sponsorship rights to the SPFL for the next few seasons although SKY wouldn’t pay a penny. Commercial stupidity. Even daft clubs like Raith Rovers wouldn’t vote for that & the SPFL knew it so they tried to keep it secret 


    But a whistleblower told big bad Rangers and they spotted the plot right away. So simple to follow. The positions of Doncaster & MacKenzie are untenable . 

  4. 33 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Compare and contrast Stewart Robertson's open, honest and professional interview tonight to the contrived, staged and closed interview Dungcaster conducted at the weekend (in addition to the truly Bizzare shifty self-Q&A). 


    It is also worth re-listening to the Doncaster interview when Dick Gordon questions him on any potential loss of earnings from sponsorship if we called the league. He stutters, side-steps and then question - he knew he'd be caught and "deflected" the question.

    Today’s dossier has caught out the SPFL big style. If they declare the season early there will be liabilities. How will these liabilities be met ? We deserve to be told. 

    Giving out free sponsorships is complete madness 

  5. Advocaat used to call Roger Mitchell ‘the music man’ because of his background. He had no experience whatsoever in football but managed to get the top position in the SPL.

    He was working in Italy before he got the SPL job and it’s said he found out about it one day whilst sitting in a cafe & spotted it in the situations vacant section of a newspaper. He applied & got the job and the rest unfortunately is history . He was useless.

  6. 3 hours ago, CammyF said:

    They responded just over 1hr after Rangers circulated the document even tho the document wasn't sent to them. Think about that, they took 1hr to respond to an email they didn't receive from Rangers, but couldn't find an email sent to them from Dundee.


    Anyway their response was the predictible ; nothing to see here so bugger off you annoying huns. 


    We even have Roger Mitchell tweeting today that if Rangers refuse to call the season, we should be deducted points.  


    Why does anyone want to know what Roger Mitchell thinks ? He was a complete failure at the SPL.

    Same goes for Stewart Regan.

    Just examples of lazy journalism 

  7. The SPFL were doing everything they could to complete the season & give the yahoos the title despite there being 8 or 9 games left.

    They were prepared to offset a £10m liability from SKY by giving them free sponsorship rights  to the SPFL over the next few seasons which would have resulted in a financial shortfall.

    How could anyone with a modicum of intelligence agree to that ? (except the yahoos of course)

  8. 44 minutes ago, Gonzo79 said:

    Anyone expecting the two sides of the sectarianism debate to be treated equally whilst the SNP have a majority at Holyrood is completely out of touch with reality.

    The SNP have stolen the yahoo vote from SLAB. The yahoos alongside the SNP are much more dangerous than SLAB

  9. 1 hour ago, Bill said:

    Can't see the problem. I don't think Nike, Adidas etc actually manufacture anything. I assume all the various labels simply place a manufacturing order with a third party to produce and distribute the product. I imagine Castore could do this as well as anyone.

    Hummel struggled to begin with...

  10. 1 minute ago, Scott7 said:

    The usual Stubbsian philosophy ..... except ..... except

    “Plus, if anything, if the season had continued, I could only see the gap between the two clubs becoming even wider.

    “For me, it’s not even up for discussion because Celtic would have finished even further ahead.

    “Rangers had been more or less admitting that their season was over before the lockdown even happened and they were only ever playing for second place this year.


    “Last December when Rangers bossed Celtic at Parkhead we thought we had a genuine title race but then the wheels fell off for them. They have been really poor since the winter break.

    “Sometimes you look outside for excuses but it’s better to look at home for them. They only have themselves to blame for that.“


    I might be able to argue that but I doubt if I would persuade many.

    Who cares what a guy thinks who lasted 2 months as st mirren manager?

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