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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The elephant in the room is if reconstruction fails & hearts take legal action to avoid relegation.
  2. As I understand, it will require 11 of the premiership clubs to vote for these 14-14-14 reconstruction plans. There’s no chance of that happening. Budge needs to realise that he only way to prevent hearts getting relegated is to take the SPFL to court.
  3. Doncaster is terrified Hearts taking the SPFL to court. It could be the end of the SPFL. Reconstruction is his last throw of the dice.
  4. It doesn’t look like it will pass. The only way hearts can avoid relegation is in the courts if Budge has the bottle for it.
  5. Yet the Scottish media and the Scottish football authorities still pay lip service to the Celtic Boys Club abuse scandal. Will Westminster intervene ?
  6. Looking at the number of players getting released by clubs such as Dunfermline, QOTS etc, how many ‘professional’ clubs do the SPFL expect to have for the start of next season? And what good did terminating this season early really achieve by releasing ‘funds’ to clubs who seem to be releasing large numbers of players? Can I suggest these ‘funds’ were peanuts and achieved little? who orchestrated the campaign to end this season early ? Liewell and his placemen?
  7. Ian Maxwell is a fool who is completely out of his depth as SFA chief executive.
  8. You’d only get a 30 game season with a 16 club league. Not enough games.
  9. The SPFL got called early because Lawwell told his lackey Doncaster to do so. It’s that simple. Meanwhile we await to see whether hearts (& others) are prepared to take legal action to prevent their ridiculous relegation. Hopefully they will.
  10. Hearts seem to think league reconstruction can save them from relegation. It won’t. Only legal action can do that. If they’re serious I’d advise them to pick up the phone and contact Douglas Park & Stewart Robertson. Otherwise accept relegation
  11. I do get the impression this Castore deal has raised a few envious eyebrows from elsewhere in the city
  12. Delighted we’re about to sign Hagi. A young player who will only get better & his market value will increase
  13. Thought we had to have this car park when the club deck got built?
  14. To build what? regards this carpark could they be selling it to someone to use? it only gets used every second Saturday
  15. I suspect there will be 1 or 2 others we’ll trying to move on also
  16. Hopefully legal action will now begin. No issues ending season but not awarding titles and relegation
  17. I’m hearing Yahoos likely to be given title tomorrow. SKY to be given naming rights for SPFL to compensate £10m liabilities. You couldn’t make this up....
  18. Can’t see us getting Ferguson. Sheep would be wanting too much money for him
  19. The SPFL is beginning to unravel. Seems reconstruction now back on agenda ??. Perhaps because of Leslie deans intervention.
  20. I don’t think we’re as far behind Celtic as the OP suggests. Our form after the break was a mystery but the absence of Morelos was a major factor and when he returned he was well short of match sharpness. I still think the squad is a bit short in one or two areas and selling to strengthen might be the answer. Regards since we returned to the premiership, the disastrous summer signings in 2016 by MW & Pedro a year later in 2017 hindered us greatly and meant we couldn’t mount a proper challenge
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