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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 12 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    I think they have to try. If the season goes ahead, that immediately creates a new status quo which would be nearly impossible to unravel.

    They’ll only get a temporary interdict if their action is on strong legal grounds. It will be interesting to see what these are. They can’t just turn up and say it’s not fair. While many would agree with that, something a bit more legal will be needed.

    I thought their ex-chairman Leslie Deans(a lawyer) outlined why they’d win in court.

    Which probably is explains why Doncaster has been running around like a headless chicken these past few weeks pushing reconstruction to avoid court 

  2. 10 minutes ago, 26th of foot said:

    Continually, we are told the SPFL are the clubs.


    Eight years past, the then SPL(ie the Clubs) had a decision to make reference Rangers. They, the SPL(the clubs) passed it on to their supporters. One by one they took great delight and cheered on to the echo, each club announced their decision via supporters' vote to confine Rangers to the bottom tier. They were righting a wrong, sporting integrity on an industrial scale. Pity the poor Killie fans, their then Chair denied them a vote, and decided to abstain. They hounded the poor bugger because they were NOT allowed to be seen kicking Rangers when down.


    Why are Peter and the triumvirate of Neil, Rod, and Shifty McGifty; not being consistent and allowing each club to take the decision by supporter vote again? I don't think the result would be any different, it would allow us to quantify the hate. Marshaling and controlling hate is extremely difficult. You don't want to be seen to be leading it, what happens if the dynamic changes? Peter knows this, and employs a PR firm, Hollicom to marshal and control continuous CAREFUL hate.


    Remember, the SPFL are the clubs. 

    It was the SFL clubs who put Rangers in bottom tier in 2012 despite being told not to by the SFA

  3. 2 hours ago, der Berliner said:

    It looks like Florin Kamberi is on his way out of Hibs and he is or them are  seemingly in talks with another club. Burned his bridges at Hibs when he joined us on loan and will most likely not play for them again.


    Was always a good option from the bench and I would have loved seeing him and another striker up front.

    Which club are hibz in talks with ? Rangers maybe ? If so i’d expect some sort of swap deal.Murphy maybe?

  4. 2 hours ago, craig said:

    A friendly wont help them because, as compo says, all games will be behind closed doors.


    I heard something on the radio last week that said the SPFL were thinking about postponing ALL OF games until fans can be allowed back in - perfect..... have us play them 4 times in succession within the space of a couple of weeks - that isn't a recipe for disaster, is it ? :rolleyes:

    Rangers must do all they can to ensure the first OF game next season goes ahead at the crumbledome next season as the traditional slot at the end of August even if it’s behind closed doors.

    Were this game due to be played at ibrox you can be sure the yahoos would be insisting it to be played behind closed doors

  5. We’re due to play yahoos away first OF game next season in August. If so likely game will be behind closed doors.

    ls this why Liewell desperate to get fixtures out ? Will yahoos try & cancel & arrange a friendly?

  6. 16 hours ago, T-1000 said:

    I disagree.

    McLean has been a regular in the Norwich team playing in the premiership, all be it, they are bottom of the league.  In comparison, Davis wasn't getting a game at Southampton, Goldson likewise at Brighton, Aribo came from Charlton who are near the foot of the championship, Tavernier spent most of his time playing at championship or league 1 clubs, Kamara didn't make the grade at Arsenal.  All of this, taken together, suggests to me that McLean would improve the quality of the team.

    If McLeans so good I doubt Norwich would let him go then?

  7. 3 hours ago, MacK1950 said:

    No doubt with Liewell lurking in the background.

    The sooner Doncaster & Maxwell are removed from their positions the better. That’s why I want hearts to take the SPFL to court 

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