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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. These fixtures are another fix, carve-up, stitch-up call it what you want. The first OF game normally takes place end Aug/ start Sept. But it’s been pushed back to the end of October because it’s at CP & liewell is hoping supporters will be allowed back into stadiums by then. Why wasn’t our MD ( someone called Stewart Robertson I’m told) calling this out?
  2. What happens to these fixtures if hearts & partick thistle win their case?
  3. ?????? they’re despised in England. No chance
  4. SNP won’t touch the Celtc BC child abuse with a barge pole. Potentially too many lost votes West Central Scotland. Disappointing to see opposition parties not taking up the challenge
  5. As I see it, unless the arbitration panel comes to a unanimous agreement then it goes back to court.
  6. Hastie was one of too many squad players signed last summer who made little or no impact
  7. So what does happen if the SPFL lose ? Cant pay compensation and the reconstruction lifeboat has gone. The reality is no one thought about the implications of calling the season early.
  8. Hearts & Partick Thistle(between them) are looking for compensation of £10m but they know they have no chance of getting it because the SPFL don’t have that amount of money or anything like it. So if the court case goes ahead & the SPFL loses, the likely only way in which they’d drop their claim allowing them to avoid relegation would be to have the leagues declared null & void (assuming reconstruction is now a dead duck) Sit back, grab a beer & watch the implosion ?
  9. The letter sent out today by the SPFL shows things are getting desperate. If court action goes in favour of hertz & partick thistle it’s difficult to see how the SPFL could survive. I would like to think the SFA are planning for such a scenario.
  10. If he’s as good a lawyer as he is a referee Hearts and Partick Thistle have nothing to worry about ?
  11. It’s an interesting article. Clubs need to realise Scottish football is on its deathbed because of the actions of its administrators and those controlling them. It can only get derisory TV deals and businesses don’t want to sponsor a product seen by many as corrupt. Those clubs who chose not to support Rangers independent SPFL investigation now have to live with the fact they’ve passed up what might be the last chance to save Scottish football Unless liewell and his cohorts are removed then Scottish football is finished...
  12. Totally & utterly unacceptable. No accountability whatsoever. This is a powergrab by Liewell to try & prevent the SPFL sinking
  13. I think it should be remembered McGregor never really established himself at Rangers until he was 24/25.
  14. Far too many work there for my liking. hopefully the anti-Rangers lot will get hit hardest in the redundancies ?
  15. I’d have preferred the st mirren keeper. McLauchlin was awful last season for Sunderland
  16. Just seems rather odd to me HMRC can pursue both players & the club.
  17. The SFA are getting involved because they know the SPFL will lose in court
  18. Then why are HMRC chasing ex-Rangers players for the tax on their EBT’s ?
  19. Nicola likes to surround herself with useful idiots. Makes her look good.
  20. The SPFL don’t have anything like that amount of money. If Hearts & Partick Thistle are successful in court then the SPFL is finished. The SFA would need to take over the running of the leagues and reinstate both hearts & thistle in the premiership & championship.
  21. Now you know why all other leagues throughout Europe had to restart. Neil was only obeying peter’s orders. And very costly orders too.
  22. Hopefully Matt Crilly(never heard of him) will crawl back under the stone he emerged from. More Rangers-hating pond life.
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