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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 1 hour ago, rbr said:

    In Scotland we need to stop under valuing our players , we are mental at this , McKennas not worth this amount ,dykes  isn’t worth X amount , yet down south a player goes for the same amount in league one , yet in a season is worth 6 times , then a season in the championship is worth £20 million , we are our own worst enemies . 

    The reason players down south go for much higher fees than ours is because they play in better leagues than any of the SPFL leagues.  

  2. 24 minutes ago, craig said:

    Game of two halves apparently.  Said they played well first half but we’re poor second half.


    A couple of players did themself no harm apparently......

    Don’t you think that was an absolutely appalling result? What does it say about the youth academy?

  3. An absolutely dreadful result. Too much money being spent on a youth academy which produces next to no one for the first team. I’ve always thought  Gerrard had reservations about the young players at Rangers. Not difficult to see why  

  4. Racism is abhorrent & should be eradicated but the question needs asked whether the BLM organisation are the best way to contribute to this. Seems to me they’re anarchists who have jumped on the anti-racism bandwagon to further their own aims.

  5. 8 hours ago, gisabeer said:

    I dont know why we bother to have a youth at up.   Mcrorie is the last player I can remember to come through the ranks and we punted him out on loan.    

    Agree. And what are the costs having youth teams and all the various coaches when virtually none of the players become first team regulars? Could that money be better spent elsewhere?

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