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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 34 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    That's what I thought too, but they've obviously changed it if one of the teams they need to play is Celtic.

    A Covid19 outbreak within a city’s pubs leads to a lockdown.

    A Covid19 outbreak in a football club in that city and the club is expected to continue playing matches throughout the rest of the country.

    Something not quite right here.....

  2. 14 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

    BBC are saying the St Johnstone game is in doubt. So who knows. It's a lesson for the entire league if we're going to have any chance at all of having a full season.

    They can't pretend this virus is in retreat and we can all act normally. It isn't and it isn't going to be for a long time to come.

    Some Aberdeen players allegedly went out after Rangers game to aforementioned pub with virus outbreak.

    If they are to play St Johnstone this weekend who’s to say other Aberdeen players won’t be affected too after training this week?

  3. Certainly an interesting and unexpected couple of signings today.


    A fully fit Roofe will score a barrowload for Rangers and has versatility in that he can play almost anywhere up front including out wide. His move to Andetlecht never really worked out. I wonder if he sees us as a steppingstone to the EPL


    Itten is a young 6’2” striker who scores a lot of goals with his head. He now gives us an option up front as a tall target man which we really haven’t had lately.


    I now expect to see one or two departures as s result of these 2 signings 

  4. 5 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    He won't play a whole season but he doesn't have to. He would probably have got around 17/18 goals last season if the lockdown didn't happen. Someone who can provide that from occasional starts and substitute appearances takes the pressure of the other striker IMO (whoever that may be...)

    Think we’ll need to agree to disagree. I think this season is a season too far for Defoe who’s injured already. Davis too.

  5. 4 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Some who can get 20 league goals will do for me. Once fit again Defoe will score goals. Let's not forget he scored more league goals than Alfie last year from far less game time 

    Can Defoe play a full season? Doesn’t look like it to me. 

    And when Defoe does play hopefully our manager doesn’t play him up front on his own,a role he’s not suited to in my opinion

  6. Millwall are a club with Scottish origins. They’re named after Millwall on the Isle of Dogs where they started out but have since moved to South London. Their strip is/was the blue and white of the saltire and their badge the Scottish lion 

  7. 30 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    Davis is finished, IMO. It's a shame because he has been a great servant and a wonderful player. 


    His body can't do what his brain wants. You can see him attempt the same things that he did so well at the start of last season and prior, but he's sluggish in his execution. 


    He'll only be a bit-part player this season. 

    Hence the pursuit of Zungu ?

  8. Much will depend on the Morelos situation at all he moment. If he stays, great. Replacing him with someone who can score the number of goals he has will be much harder than some people think. And some of the names mentioned to replace him worry me.


    In other areas I wonder how much we’ll see Defoe & Davis this season.Both injured at the moment. Especially Defoe if Morelos goes & a couple of strikers get brought in. And if Zungu arrives not sure where that’ll leave Davies.


    We’ve still got too big a first team squad with players not seemingly part of Gerrard’s plans. And youths who don’t seem anywhere near good enough for the first team squad 

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