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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I was of course joking about Windass being the trialist although Wigan still do owe us £500k for his transfer
  2. I’m told Wigan Athletic (in administration) still owe Rangers £500k for Josh Windass. Could the trialist be him ? ?
  3. Two things that annoy me about us:- 1) kick-off, the ball goes back and we can’t get out of our own half 2) the amount of times we needlessly pass the ball backwards
  4. Yes I watched the game. Was it the same one you watched where the Livingston keeper barely had a shot to save all game?
  5. Don’t the tactics need to be better? A back four & two sitting MF players against a team camped in their own half virtually all game.
  6. McCrorie was never going to cut it at CB for Rangers & was never going to displace Tav at RB. That really only left defensive MF and Gerrard doesn’t seem to rate him there Good luck to him and at least we’ll get a fee for him unlike too many in our academy who get released after us spending a lot of money & effort on them only to discover they’re nowhere near the standard we’re looking for
  7. Genuinely hope we don’t live to regret this. McCrorie could play the single defensive MF role I’d prefer us to play as opposed to the two we had on Sunday
  8. Hence why we need proper wide players as was too congested in the middle of the park. Get the ball out wide and attack from wide areas to get deliveries into two (not one) strikers. And did we really need a back four and two sitting midfielders against a team who sat in all game on Sunday ?
  9. When a team sets out to play as defensively as livi did today then you need to change ur tactics accordingly. 4-2-3-1 played straight into their hands.Their keeper had next to nothing to do apart from the barasic free kick. In that sort of game we need 2up front and be prepared to go direct. Throw balls into the box. Dare I suggest 3-5-2?
  10. In games like this we need 2 up front where we’ve got so much possession.
  11. Such sad news . Tam Forsyth RIP
  12. The seriousness of the Aberdeen players actions is far less than that of Bolingoli
  13. McLean seems to have done ok in the EPL. If Norwich were to sell him then I’d think the fee would be too high for us.
  14. Pleased with 3-0 and 3 points but we really must look to getting more goals in season where goal difference may well be crucial. We scored our third with virtually the whole of the second half remaining. I thought the four substitutions at the one time did little to help us.
  15. Hibs would be a good loan for both McCrorie and Rangers. Let’s us assess him in our top division.
  16. The truth about Newcastle is Ashley bailed them out after John Hall & Freddie Fletcher got them into debt levels which they couldn’t support. Newcastle supporters forget that. But from Ashley’s viewpoint buying Newcastle was a bad move financially as he overpaid buying the club for the debt he had to inherit. He’ll never recoup his money from Newcastle unless he’s willing to take a huge financial hit. Seems even mega-wealthy Arabs won’t pay Ashley’s asking price.
  17. Who picked that team I wonder ? ????? shifty McLennan & wee Roly-poly ?? They don’t even hide it anymore do they?
  18. Four goals in our first two league games. Two Morelos assists & two Morelos goals. He will be a very very difficult player to replace if he goes.
  19. We really must start scoring more goals from the amount of possession we’ve got.
  20. Can’t help thinking Leon Balogun could be our most significant signing of the season if he stays fit
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