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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yahoos will probably start flying out from Edinburgh now ?
  2. No one would have wanted to pick up the tab for the mess Murray left behind
  3. They’ve got operating costs of £80m p.a? I’m no bean counter but doesn’t that sound rather a lot?
  4. Don’t know why but we always seem to run out of energy on that rugby park surface after an hour
  5. Glad to get the 3 points but one or two less than satisfactory performances particularly second half
  6. Seen this movie at rugby park before. We’re ahead & in control & they get something out of nothing. Then it’s game on. Vital we get another goal soon. Morelos & Itten anonymous so far
  7. First and foremost it’s about picking the players who can adapt best to this dreadful surface
  8. If it’s 4-2-3-1 maybe Itten leading the line up front. looks to me we’re going more direct today on this surface.
  9. That was my first thought i.e. 4-4-2 just hope we don’t get outnumbered in central MF
  10. Team selection & tactics are crucial. There’s no room for nice football on this dreadful surface. Playing the ball out from the back is risky. Often the long ball out from defence is the best option. I might be tempted to go with Itten up front to give us the option of holding the ball up & bringing others into play. And maybe Jones for a rugby park return in place of Kent who’s been quiet of late.
  11. Very sad news. RIP Marius Zaliukas.
  12. Absolutely delighted we won tonight against a team I thought turned out to be a lot better than we expected them to be.
  13. He can play in the wide areas up front as well as through the middle giving us options, hence why SG was keen to get him.
  14. Need to thank wee Brendan for that one. To think the yahoos have wasted all sorts of money on LB’s & we got Bassey for £250k ? Bassey’s better than Taylor & Bolingoli (on loan to Besiksehir) who must have cost the yahoos £4m between them
  15. Does anyone know if a Rangers player has ever scored from his own half before? Im in my fifties & certainly cannot recall anything like what we saw from Roofe last night. Or even a goalkeeper scoring from a kick out
  16. Very easy to see the agenda here. With one incomplete,tainted title given to them this would allow the yahoos to be given another. The game in Scotland is corrupt & rotten to the core. No wonder it doesn’t attract sponsors
  17. I’m hearing they’re paying his entire £50k p.w. Brighton wage plus a loan fee for his services this season. Doesnt look great value does it ?
  18. Compare his linkup play for us compared Klimala for them. Night and day.
  19. I’ve no idea if anyone did leak their starting XI but if they did is Neily maybe smart enough to realise someone is trying to undermine him and that person maybe one of his superiors? ? All is not well in their camp. We must capitalise.
  20. This will be Gerard’s next challenge. Integrating Zungu into the team to replace Davis who can’t go on forever despite a good start to this season
  21. In the first half in particular yesterday you could see what Morelos brings to the team. He’s a team player often with excellent link up play. He’s not getting as many goals as previously just now but hopefully that’ll change soon. Compare him to that guy they had up front yesterday. They paid £3.5m for him ?
  22. Just think Barker too big a gamble for this fixture. Hope I’m wrong....
  23. Do Rangers want to be going away to play a team a number of whose players are testing positive for covid19? what happens if a number of Rangers players start to test positive after this game?
  24. My thoughts too. To get the game called off.
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