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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Exactly. Wright is essentially a wide player. In our squad at the moment we’ve only got Jones & Stewart as back -up for Kent. Stewart hasn’t featured much this season & his contract is up at the end of the season. Jones Im not sure has a future at Rangers. My only concern about Wright is his injury record.
  2. Wright’s look decent any time I’ve seen him but his injury record is a worry
  3. When they went down to 10 men I’d have gone with 2 up front
  4. Another unacceptable display from Beaton at pittodrie. Failing to send off Main was ridiculous. And what about the assistant referee? Did he not see anything?
  5. Was always going to be a tough game today now even more so without Jack, Arfield & Roofe. I hope we start the game a lot better than we’ve been doing in recent weeks and canstop giving away possession carelessly at times. I also hope we see Hagi in his best role i.e supporting the central striker instead of stuck out wide. I see Mr Beaton is the referee today & he’s done us few favours at pittodrie in recent years especially with penalties.
  6. Holyrood has effectively asked the SFA to comment on whether Celtic have flouted their guidelines. Wonder if & when we’ll get a response ?
  7. So it seems. Three of our next four league games(in January) are away as I understand things. Hopefully this will mean mostly home games in the run-in
  8. We’re in a great position. No more than that at this stage. Still many difficult games to come. And the state of the ibrox pitch worries me again like it did this time last season. A poor surface doesn’t suit our style of play in which the ball is mostly on the deck
  9. My biggest fear is we lose Kamara this month. Class again today even in first half when things not going well
  10. Whilst delighted to get the win I’m concerned about how poorly we played for the first hour. Hopefully SG will look back & learn from it. I said on here before the game we mustn’t get outnumbered in MF and that’s exactly what happened. And I think young Hagi must be in the starting XI from now on.
  11. Hagi’s been our biggest goal threat in recent games. Astonished he’s not starting
  12. Agree about Madden. Always seems to me as if he’s obliged to give them something in these games
  13. Flooding the midfield is exactly what I expect them to do tomorrow. Vital we don’t get outnumbered in midfield
  14. We are not told in the article which team Mitchell supports? my guess is either:- a) fc separate entity b) a wee deluded club in NE Scotland whose name escapes me ?????????
  15. Surprised at Robinson leaving Motherwell. Can only presume he’s had another offer from elsewhere
  16. Am I alone in thinking Roofe & Hagi are a good combination together?
  17. Delighted to get the win but would like to have seen us score more in second half. At 2-0 the game was never completely in the bag so to speak
  18. Have to say 2-0 flatters us a bit but let’s see if we can add to this...
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