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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yep & the manager needs to stop being over loyal to Kent & Aribo who contributed little today. Also u can’t play ur normal game on that plastic pitch. You need to adapt. That means cutting out all the short passing in ur own penalty area for starters
  2. Spoken by Don Hutchison, a man who dearly wanted to play for Rangers..
  3. I thought his team selection with zungu & Kamara in central MF never worked even early on u could see that. And do Kent & Aribo ever get subbed? Both weren’t very involved enough for my liking and Kent too wasteful too often.
  4. Rangers should cite other challenges which were worse in which no retrospective action was taken. start with Duffy’s challenge on Kent last month at ibrox. Absolutely no attempt to play the ball whatsoever. Referee booked him but should have been red card
  5. The team he sent out should have been strong enough to beat Hamilton but it wasn’t. Questions need to be asked why.
  6. Gerrard unhappy with some players. Think he needs to look at his starting XI too. Zungu & Kamara could have done with Jack or Davis beside them to make up the numbers
  7. The starting XI was a mistake today. Both Zungu & Itten look well short of what we need. Leaving out Jack & Davis backfired badly. We could easily have lost today. After the OF game at the start of last month some of our performances haven’t been as good as before Christmas. This needs to change. Nothing is won yet
  8. Not in this game yet. Itten is struggling big style on his own
  9. Just a bit concerned we’re starting without Jack & Davis. Zungu hasn’t really shown anything exceptional so far. However any win will do for me
  10. The whole CO & retrospective refereeing thing is now a farce. It started out as something where action could be taken if the referee missed an incident. Now it’s being used to overrule decisions during games & upgrade punishments by an anonymous group of unaccountable individuals.
  11. I’m always cynical about comparing one manager’s record against another at any club what makes Gerarrd’s record outstanding is he virtually had to build a team from scratch when he arrived. Previous Rangers managers didn’t always have that problem. Only Jack, Morelos & Tav survived from the previous 2 managers. And of those Jack & Morelos had been less than a year at Rangers
  12. And if Celtic, Aberdeen, Hibz, Livingston & a.n.other make the top six how many do we get at home? we’ll have already played them four away twice
  13. Did anyone else notice the ridiculous offside given against Kent in the second half by assistant referee David Roome? He was never offside in a million years it was Roome, some may recall, who missed three offside Celtic players at the goal when they won the betred cup just over a year ago
  14. Delighted with the win but the performance not the greatest. Roofe looked a bit rusty to me. Presumably he won’t play on Sunday on the plastic pitch.
  15. Simpson’s a left-footed CB so presumably he’ll challenge Helander for the left-sides CB position. No easy task.
  16. As I understand things, we’ve now got 5 league games in February against bottom six teams. Win them all & we’d be on 87 points. With still 2 games before the split
  17. Didn’t come as a shock. It’s clear Liewell’s time was up. Once Gerrard (eventually) built his own team I always wondered how they’d react to a serious challenge. But it will be interesting to see where Liewell goes from here. Will he retire? Or will he land one of these EPL jobs his Scottish media cheerleaders had been touting him for in recent years? Never heard of his replacement Dominic McKay( I’m not a rugger chap) but how he handles a lot of the issues Liewell’s left behind will make or break him in a very short space of time. Finding a new manager will be his first task but I’ve always been led to believe that their ‘limited lifespan’ stadium will bite them on the backside in the near future. Be interesting to see if that develops into anything It could be said liewell leaving is now Steven Gerrard’s first major success asRangers manager. Perhaps not a football trophy for the ibrox trophy room but a very major scalp indeed
  18. Given his past record regards Rangers comments, I think it was odds-on Welsh would make some sort of derogatory comment about Rangers after being asked onto Hibs TV for this game. Can we therefore assume that his invitation to appear on Hibs TV was done deliberately with this in mind? Personally I could give a damn what Welsh said. My team beat his team and that’s all I care about. But next time the anti-Rangers pond life crawl out from underneath their rocks with accusations against us let us ask them why they made no comment about what Welsh said last night
  19. Aribo & Kent need to produce more. And i’d seriously think of taking off Morelos. Will he ever learn?
  20. Excuse my ignorance but what does ‘tendered it to a factoring company’ mean ? ?
  21. West Ham have just had their fingers burnt after spending €45 on Sebastien Haller then selling him to Ajax for half that fee eighteen months later They’re hardly going to do the same with Edouard who’s hardly kicked a ball all season
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