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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yep looks the end for zungu. Genuinely thought he’d be challenging Jack for his position but doesn’t look likely now
  2. Back in the dying days of the Murray regime Rangers had no representation in the governing bodies of Scottish football. I always remember David Leggat making this point in his daily leggoland blog at the time. the yahoos then took all the positions of power & have been there ever since. The end result is the here for all to see now. A game that is corrupt & rotten to the core which sponsors won’t touch with a barge pole
  3. I’ve got to admit to being totally undecided in all of this. Like many of us I was always dubious when whyte got his own administrators, duff & phelps, after Rangers went into administration on that dreadful day nine years ago today. And d&p had allegedly advised whyte during his takeover too. During administration a pantomime played out over the following weeks with all sorts of characters supposed to be taking over Rangers as well as various bizarre promises which never materialised. It was no surprise the COPFS were suspicious. Perhaps rightly so. And yes the prosecution was screwed up. It was an embarrassment. A complete failure. Maybe they never found the evidence. Or insufficient evidence. Or they’re just incompetent. But should the crown office have done nothing at all? What would we have said then?
  4. He is badly missed. Unfortunately we saw yesterday that Itten won’t make it at Rangers As things stand that only leaves Roofe and Morelos for next season as I suspect Defoe will leave
  5. Kent played better second half. First half anonymous. He needs to be more creative in taking on defenders & setting up chances. And stop giving the ball away needlessly Aribo had a poor game again
  6. As far as I’m aware Wright is in our euro squad. One of my he 7 homegrown players. Which players didn’t cut it yesterday? kent and aribo. Becoming a habit unfortunately
  7. Throughout the season players performances inevitably drop. Often a rest can do the world of good for a player. Hence why clubs have large squads. I wasn’t really impressed yesterday against a team who have lost 6 or 7 games on the spin. We could have and should have played a lot better. One or two players are not cutting it at the moment. For the title run in that’s a worry even if we’re well in front. Perhaps we’ll see a few changes on Thursday night . Scott Wright for one hopefully
  8. Because the level of performances has dropped alarmingly. We won’t continue winning for long. Both aribo & kent are getting picked every week regardless.That needs to change.
  9. Pleased to get the win but the level of performance was again worrying.
  10. Kent and Aribo need to up their game today. We need to see more from both of them. And Itten must show more than we’ve seen from him.
  11. I always thought this long overdue report would be nothing more than an attempt to implicate as many clubs as possible & deflect attention away from where the biggest problem was i.e. Celtic
  12. Roofe is getting banned for a tackle that similar other tackles in the SPFL have gone unpunished for. At best it is incompetence at worst corruption. Does anyone wonder why the SPFL cannot attract sponsorship?
  13. Like most goings-on at Holyrood no one takes any responsibility when things go wrong. the idea you can just hand over £24m ( and maybe up to £100m) of taxpayers money just because public servants can’t do their jobs properly is scandalous. And where do these exorbitant figures comes from ? Are they based on the earnings of Whitehouse & Clark ? What salaries were they on ? The Scottish public(& us in particular) have a right to know what went on in this failed prosecution. Who was behind it and why? Or was this a diversionary tactic ?
  14. Hamburg one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. Makes sense to market Rangers there especially as we have good support there. Will never forget when we were in the lower divisions playing on a Saturday at ibrox & Scotland were playing Germany on the Monday night at Hampden. Loads of German supporters were at our game with German flags in the stadium with all German club sides on them.Recall Stuttgart, Cologne and of course HSV.Others too. Perhaps Rangers should increase their marketing in Germany particularly in Northern Germany. Maybe Bremen as well as Hamburg
  15. Looks to me the COPFS tried(& failed) to pin this on Clark & Whitehouse. We can only speculate why. Meanwhile BDO have bigger fish to fry ....
  16. I can always recall when HMRC sent their original BTC bill in 2010 around the time of the GE was quoted as £24m i.e half of the total value of the EBT’s. The timing always seemed to coincide with the GE which labour were expected to lose and did. Remind me again who was yahoo chairman at that time?
  17. And you need to adapt ur game on these pitches. Which we don’t seem to do. Difficult to play out from the back. Did anyone notice how accies just punted the ball down the middle constantly?
  18. As I said I think you need to adapt your game to play on that plastic pitch. You can’t play out from the back as easily. We nearly got caught out just before HT and other times too. You could see how Accies are used to it by the number of longballs they play out from the back. We’ve been caught out before at livi & Kilmarnock too on these pitches. I think it needs to be horses for courses on these plastic pitches. I’d have left out Kent or Aribo today & stuck an extra man in central MF to give us a central MF three
  19. As well as Zungu the other worry I’d have from today’s starting XI is Itten. He’ll never be a 25-30 goals per season striker as far as I can see
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