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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Perhaps not surprising that the people trying to have a go at Rangers today were all silent 5 years ago to the day almost when Rangers players got attacked at the end of the SC final by hibz supporters who jumped barriers to invade the pitch & cause mayhem.


    Exuberance it was called by someone who, unbelievably, is SFA president today. And that evening the FM tweeted how happy her hibz-supporting husband was. 


    We live in a dangerous little country. We really do.



  2. 12 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    i am not even convinced D&P sold to the highest bidder. 

    Course they didn’t. Or even the best bidder.

    Remember the 4 parties at the beginning after administration? The blue knights, Ng, Bill Miller and the one who caused blind panic to Whyte’s chosen administrators D&P, Brian Kennedy the businessman with the proven track record who should have owned Rangers there and then. But his bid got chucked out for being too low. Very suspicious. Who advised him I wonder ?

    Quite how Bill Miller the US truck guy who(as I understood) had never been outside the USA in his life got preferred bidder status was laughable.

    But as we know Miller withdrew his bid & Chuckles Green’s consortium rode into town to save the day....or so we thought after the CVA failed. 

    Green was really in cahoots with Whyte who couldn’t be seen to own Rangers after he got banned sin die by the SFA. Green duped Whyte and instead of transferring the club & assets to Sevco 5088(in which Whyte was a director) he transferred them to Sevco Scotland (in which Whyte wasn’t a director).

    The debacle continued for the next 3 years with all sorts shady shareholders and dubious directors until t3b & king arrived in 2015.

    The rest the say is now history but will be interesting so see what eventual conclusions BDO come to at the end of the liquidation process which could still be some time away by looks of things


  3. Great performance. Great result.

    All about getting us ready for next season now. Players will come in, players will go out. However I’ve every confidence in our DoF & manager to improve us again next season when we’ll have CLQ’s to look forward to.

    Took time to get us where we are today and our opponents today will soon realise that rebuilding a club structure and a team takes time & isn’t a given.

    Heres to the champions & to the new season ahead... ?  ? 

  4. 10 hours ago, Biblio said:

    Normally OG games are occasions for great anxiety. I'm not feeling that now, not out of any sense of over-confidence but just because there isn't really anything at stake. The important issue was decided weeks ago. I would still hate to lose though as Celtic fans would act like they'd done their precious 10.

    Think we’d like to remain unbeaten in the league for the season but I do share ur view that our work is done.

  5. The problem with sectarianism in Scotland is that it’s always someone else or the other side. Never the accuser who is often masking their own prejudices.


    After over half a century on this planet I came to the conclusion long ago that anti-bigots are themselves bigots, anti-fascists are themselves fascist and so on. And Scotland is infested with plenty of these individuals, especially in its media. Pondlife who make all sorts allegations but won’t debate openly when challenged. And whose mask inevitably slips when it’s Rangers and think they can spew their bile and hatred without fear of punishment from authorities who nowadays are themselves are infested with similar pondlife


    And don’t get me started on the corrupt organisations that are UEFA & FIFA. Promoting anti-racism and fair play on the outside but doing all sorts grubby deals behind the scenes. Just look at Blatter and Platini at UEFA or the seven FIFA delegates arrested by Swiss police at the 65th FIFA anniversary in 2015 and you’ll know what I mean.


    I’d bet one of the reasons those 12 clubs proposed the ESL (although certainly not the main one) was to get shot off UEFA. Can’t say I blame them.



  6. I’m sure at the start of the season if we got offered the title and another good run in Europe then we’d have grabbed it with both hands.

    However we must build on this for next season. We must not stagnate. We will need 3 or 4 new arrivals for next season all capable of going into the starting XI and that many mean a couple of high profile departures.

    The domestic cup competitions are not top priority but still remain a disappointment. Hopefully that will change next season

  7. 6 hours ago, craig said:

    LOL.  Barisic, Goldson, Tavernier, Davis, Kamara - 2nd string


    Hagi, Roofe - 2nd string ?


    The only true second string players we used from the start were McLaughlin, Simpson, Itten and maybe, Wright. 

    What concerns me is when our fringe players get their chance they don’t seem to take it. 

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