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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Roger Mitchell? ??


    the man who thought he could take on SKY Tv but ended getting handed his arse on a plate ??


    at least he’s in good company with Spiers that other deluded no mark ??

  2. 2 hours ago, Rousseau said:

    We must become a selling club. It's the sustainable model we must adopt. Players must be sold. 


    Except Morelos. 


    And Kamara.


    And Tavernier. 


    And Helander. 


    And any player of value. 



    We will sell players this summer. But you have to do all you can not to weaken the side.

    Morelos has been a magnificent signing for Rangers who would not be easily replaced 

  3. On 10/06/2021 at 10:53, the gunslinger said:

    the real issue here is how did we end up here when the parties were so clearly guilty. 


    green freely admitted he always knew he would win the bidding to buy the club. Whyte freely admitted he had put in D&P to give him control back post admin. We have tapes of the collusion between green and whyte. We have BDO suing D&P for mishandling the admin and there evidence consists of stating the bleeding obvious. 


    How do you get from that to paying out tens of millions. The incompetence of the prosecutors is hard to fathom such is it's scale. 



    For whatever reason, it’s always seemed to me, the prosecution didn’t seem to have enough evidence 

  4. On 08/06/2021 at 19:40, Tannochsidebear said:

    Delighted with both Defoe getting another year and giving him some coaching experience, and also that we are moving on Stewart (never good enough) and not taking up any option on Zungu (not better than existing options).


    Keep the good news coming!

    Just think with Zungu not working out as hoped & with Jack and Arfield’s injuries last season we’re a bit light in numbers in MF

  5. 32 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    Was it not 8 or 9 months? That's fairly sizeable.


    However it could be the EBTs he was referring to but as the case was still going through the courts at that point, and whether tax was actually due had still to be finally established, his use of "non-compliance" doesn't stack up for me, although he could be using that word to put a spin on it.

    As I said earlier, it was to allow the debt to build up to allow HMRC to block a CVA

  6. 48 minutes ago, Bill said:

    I really don't know why we're skirting around this. The decisions taken at HMRC were taken by people, not machines, individuals with likes and dislikes, personal agendas and inherent bias. Every single important decision taken by HMRC in this affair was a value judgement and could just as easily have been completely different. Nothing that HMRC did was inevitable. There were choices and the decisions taken were exercised by individual people. No one will ever persuade me that a significant part of those decisions wasn't a visceral hatred of Rangers or what it was perceived Rangers stood for. 


    It was a stitch-up and officials at HMRC were at the heart of it. 

    Of course it was a stitch up. With  political influence too I might add

  7. 10 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    He's got a point if he's referring to the use of unpaid PAYE and NI (and VAT?) to finance the running of the club for many months.


    One has to wonder why HMRC allowed it to go on for so long. Were they allowing Whyte to build a hole that they hoped we'd never get out of?

    HMRC were allowing Whyte to build up unpaid tax debt to a level that they could veto a CVA. They could have called an administration much earlier but didn’t. Hopefully we’re now going to see who and why was behind this decision 

  8. 4 minutes ago, der Berliner said:

    Meanwhile it is claimed that Galatsaray have had a bid of Euro 3,5m turned down for Aribo and that we won`t look at anything less than Euro 10m. That`s what Turkish sites say, so make of that what you will.

    If that’s true I wouldn’t be surprised if they return with an increased bid. No big surprise clubs looking at Aribo after his impressive EL performances last season

  9. 1 hour ago, alexscottislegend said:

    No doubt one day a definitive book will be written detailing exactly who was responsible in the main for this whole sorry mess. I remember Sir David Murray saying again and again that he would never sell the club to anyone who did not have Rangers best interests at heart. I recall a poster on here  - name of 'Maineflyer' - who warned us time and time again that Murray was not a trustworthy custodian. I wonder if he knew something.

    Murray was a serial borrower whom the banks seemed to trust for whatever reason. He had a business empire built on sand

  10. 2 hours ago, Bill said:

    The thing in all this that I'd like to understand is the role that was played by the SNP government in these "malicious" prosecutions and exactly what their objectives were. So many people were charged or prosecuted and they all resulted in cases being dropped, often with damages being awarded. Who decided to pursue these prosecutions and why? I find it impossible to believe it was the police acting of their own accord.

    I don’t think they were wrong to pursue anyone they thought was involved in wrongdoing during the administration. Nothing to do with politics 

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