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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Genuinely worried about this game tomorrow. Just hope we don’t have a hangover from Tuesday. Simply not like us to concede two goals like we did the other night. And I do worry about us up front without Morelos. I’m not convinced Itten and Sakala have the same number of goals in them as Alfie 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    I agree with that entirely. The alternative (Puma and by default Ashley) was far far worse. My hope is that with the type of numbers we are posting, our continuing return to financial health and domestic and (for us at least) European success and increased profile means that when this contract is up for renewal we can go with either Adidas or Nike. I think that will move us on a stage further again and boost our coffers even more, which is ultimately what it is all about.

    Not sure Puma would be Ashley anymore. I think he had a smallish shareholding in them but not sure if that’s still the case. Newcastle have ditched Puma for Castore starting this season I believe. 
    Puma are the 3rd largest sportswear manufacturer in the world behind Nike & Adidas AFAIK. So we are noticed by the big guns

    But you’re right these sales figures could reignite Adidas & Nike’s interest in us

  3. 1 hour ago, Tannochsidebear said:

    While I accept that from a quality of product angle, it is better than the last decade of utter gash under Ashley's mucky paws. But my point is that Castore is a small fish in a small pond, and think how much more reach we could have with either Adidas or Nike, both of whom have also served us very well in the past when our retail was the best in the UK (or perhaps 2nd only to Man U - I cant recall exactly). If you have Adidas or Nike, you get into their stores worldwide and become even more recognisable as a brand worldwide. Castore is just not going to do that.


    So while Castore is a million times better than our strips from the last decade, they simply cannot be compared to the big boys.

    Castore offered us the best terms as far as I know. It was between them & Puma.

  4. 1 hour ago, Gonzo79 said:

    I don't know about that.  Do you mean modern hard left (XR with rainbow flags) or a more traditional hard left (Trotsky/Lenin)?  Salmond doesn't really align with either and neither do many of his previous or current colleagues.


    He's a Scottish nationalist and like many of them, nothing else matters.  They'd side with Pol Pot, Hitler, Zsa Zsa Gabor or Emperor Ming if it got them their ultimate aim (which is the break up of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).  

    Salmond is traditional hard left with outdated left wing political views aligned with the failing EU

    He(like sturgeon) has made a fortune from politics. 
    He(like sturgeon) seeks his place in history as the person who created iScotland.

    I oppose iScotland because I think it was make the majority of us(in Scotland)worse off. The only people in Scotland who’d be unaffected by the economic & fiscal iScotland meltdown would be the wealthy including Salmond & Sturgeon 
    I think most of us Rangers supporters can see the SNP snake oil salesmen(& women) as a bunch of liars & chancers


  5. 6 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    Gerry Braiden is Policy Advisor to the SNP group controlling Glasgow City Council. Further, he is PRO to Convenor, Susan Aitken.


    Take a minute peek at Gerry's Twitter feed and you'll realise Gerry's football obsession.


    These last few years; from Cessnock Residents Association through George Square, to GCC regulated attendances at Ibrox/Sellik Park, Gerry's fingerprints are all over these decisions.


    Stuart Cosgrove has been recently proclaiming Gerry as a very good friend of the show on BBC Scotland. If they want to reconnect with the Rangers supporters, Cosgrove should get Gerry on to the show to explain the science behind the figures provided by GCC. Since GCC are also responsible for the Glasgow Underground, Gerry can tell us why it's suspending it's services from 18.00hrs on Sunday evening, just as Rangers are kicking off against Real Madrid?

    There’s no science behind the figures. Just political opportunism 

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