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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Dreadful first half. Low tempo no creativity and 35mins before we had a shot on target. Id be tempted to bring on Wright forAribo or kent and no doubt Itten will replace Morelos at some point
  2. Genuinely worried about this game tomorrow. Just hope we don’t have a hangover from Tuesday. Simply not like us to concede two goals like we did the other night. And I do worry about us up front without Morelos. I’m not convinced Itten and Sakala have the same number of goals in them as Alfie
  3. Not sure Puma would be Ashley anymore. I think he had a smallish shareholding in them but not sure if that’s still the case. Newcastle have ditched Puma for Castore starting this season I believe. Puma are the 3rd largest sportswear manufacturer in the world behind Nike & Adidas AFAIK. So we are noticed by the big guns But you’re right these sales figures could reignite Adidas & Nike’s interest in us
  4. Castore offered us the best terms as far as I know. It was between them & Puma.
  5. Salmond is traditional hard left with outdated left wing political views aligned with the failing EU He(like sturgeon) has made a fortune from politics. He(like sturgeon) seeks his place in history as the person who created iScotland. I oppose iScotland because I think it was make the majority of us(in Scotland)worse off. The only people in Scotland who’d be unaffected by the economic & fiscal iScotland meltdown would be the wealthy including Salmond & Sturgeon I think most of us Rangers supporters can see the SNP snake oil salesmen(& women) as a bunch of liars & chancers
  6. I see TNS are beating the Czech side Vitoria Plzen 4-0 at the moment. Maybe puts the yahoos result into perspective tonight.
  7. Ever since Salmond became SNP leader 30 odd years ago he turned it into a hard left, anti-British Republican Party. The tartan Sinn Fein in other words. Few of us would want anything to do with that sort of political party.
  8. Any news on Malmö tickets for ST holders yet?
  9. Our goal at the end changes the tie but I’m concerned about the lack of clear cut chances we created tonight. They were a big strong physical team who played three CB’s but we tried putting in high balls too often particularly in the second half
  10. Do yahoos really believe that their recent signings have been Postecoglu’s signings ? ?
  11. Is Chris MvcLaughlin still at the olympics? Surely he needs to get back soon as to muddy the waters regards the current ongoings in the East End?
  12. Very sad news indeed. Seem to recall he’d a head injury or something and was sadly never the same player again after it. Met him a couple of times. True Rangers man RIP Ally Dawson ☹️
  13. Good performance, great result & some bizarre refereeing from Willie Collum ?
  14. Looks like Edmundson has gone. I’d expect 3 or 4 others to join him from the first team squad who don’t have a future at Rangers
  15. There’s no science behind the figures. Just political opportunism
  16. Good workout against real quality opponents. Hopefully we’re now starting to see why we bought Itten a year ago.
  17. Just realised....we’re in SJ rear stand and son’s turned 18 & now pays full amount Presume that’s why he’s got a new smart card
  18. Everybody got theirs yet? My son & I go to all home games. He’s got his but I’ve not got mine yet. Anyone else still waiting for theirs?
  19. Was there on a plate for England after Chiesa went off injured. A better manager would have capitalised.
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