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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. We were lucky not to lose a goal after 40 seconds after WE kicked off 

    I think we’ve settled a bit more as the game has gone on but there’s a total lack of creativity. 
    Roofes having a nightmare. Will Dessers come on? 🤬

  2. 3 hours ago, compo said:

    McCausland was the only player we had who'd take opponents on now since he's been out it's the after you Claude tactics again a  few square passes and pass back for a Goldson diagonal blooter up the park .failure to win this league could mean a potential loss of up to £40,000,000 in next seasons champions  league money .

    MacAusland doesn’t take opponents on. That’s a big problem with him in the team. He contributes very little.

  3. 3 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    The longer a player is out injured, the better he becomes.


    However, two players with long term injuries are really hampering how the Gaffer wants the team to play.


    Cortes is a real miss, he provided balance and necessary width. Yesterday, Ryan Jack's positional sense would have nullified one or two of the attacks that ended in County goals. Further, he would have been available for the short balls that ensure possession is retained and we move forward in gradations.. Those lumps up to the opposition's eighteen yard line and players flooding forward in support killed us.

    Ryan Jack is finished at Rangers. His contract is up at the end of the season. He has missed far too many games this season 

    Can’t see us signing Cortes for next season unless it’s another loan deal. He only played about half a dozen games before getting injured 

  4. I genuinely wonder what Monsieur Clement does for Wednesday’s game against Dundee assuming it goes ahead


    Will he persist with Tav & Goldson on the RHS of defence despite us clearly losing so many goals recently from that area? Could he play Balogen & Sterling there instead ? Maybe play Tav further forward on the right if he must play at all?


    I don’t think doing nothing is an option 

  5. 1 hour ago, CammyF said:

    But the issue is, both are under contract. If they aren't playing, they need to be off the wage bill. 


    Two ways that happens, someone buys them, or we pay them off. Can't see either scenario panning out unless the Tav to Saudi rumours are true.


    If we don't win the league, the transfer budget will be minimal and only topped up by selling players. 


    £6M for Tav if the Saudi rumours develop into firm bids, couple of million for Ridvan to Turkey, same with Hagi and Butland will add another £6-£8M (no way we'll get more for him). So that's another circa £15M and some wages freed up when you add in the out of contract players. 

    If Butland goes we will have a problem. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Graeme Ro55 said:

    I would not want to keep any of the players we have on loan at the moment, and hope that shocking display by Lundstram puts a new contract for him in the bin. Our biggest issue for the monent has to be defence. I really feel sorry for the lad King who sits on the bench watching Goldson and Souttar who both suck.

    FFS are you serious? King is garbage

  7. Just now, PoohBear said:

    But they didn't clear the squad out. If Clement can't see that persisting with these players will cost him his job then he doesn't deserve to be here, just like the previous two. 

    Like the old saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."

    But he can’t clear the squad out if he’s got players on contracts.

    We’re still paying certain players wages they’d never get elsewhere.

    thats got to stop

  8. 3 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Correct - Gio and Beale also delivered a decent honeymoon period then we reverted to type. We appear to be doing the same under Clement. 

    Surely any decent manager must see our failings & try to do something about it.

    I genuinely despair when we get a corner & see Tavernier going over to take it. If on the right it out swings too far away from the goal or doesnt clear the first or second defender 

    we need a manager who’s going to change things which need changed

  9. 9 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    As well us being unable to defeat Celtic, we have dropped 11 points to teams who have finished in the bottom 6. 


    Let's be brutally honest, we were only in the title race as Celtic have regressed. 


    We have the same failings under Clement as we did under Gio and a Beale. 


    I'm not writing Clement off but we can't deny that recently, his team selections and tactics have been baffling and have cost us dearly. 


    We need a huge change in mindset right through the club. The honeymoon periods are over. 



    Clement is in the same position as his 2 predecessors.
    Hes inherited a squad full of players he never signed who aren’t up to the job and can’t get rid off them.
    Do we let him sign players in the summer like GvB and Beale did then when they’re not good enough sack Clement around September/ October and bring in someone else to see what they can do?

    And if he doesn’t work start all over again in a year’s time 

  10. 27 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    So Dessers is the only forward player who's allowed to score goals?  Dessers is our top scoring forward player.


    He's not good enough for us but he's not solely the issue. 

    No he isn’t the only forward allowed to score goals but he’s our main striker and could/ should have had a hat trick today 

    He need replaced for next season. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, Bluedell said:

    Apparently their stadium's drainage is not their responsibility. :rolleyes:

    Howcome? Nelms bought it back from the Dundee Utd director last October who had previously bought it at Dundee’s second administration & rented it to them.

    They own dens again but the notorious Mr Nelms keep promising them a new stadium which never seems to materialise 

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