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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Good first half but took the foot off the gas in the second half. One or two wee shaky moments at the back which a better side might have punished. Bassey & Lundstrum did well I thought & hopefully take confidence from tonight
  2. Clubs will find other ways to pay players.
  3. Their reputation is already tarnished. The Rangers administration was a farce from start to finish.
  4. Of course the SNP have no MP’s or MSP’s who support Rangers. Did anyone expect them to have any? They were once known as the tartan tories. Nowadays I’d suggest they’re the tartan Sinn Fein
  5. Add the too slow tempo of our game & you’ve nailed it…
  6. By not changing anything we played into their hands. We made it easy for them. They even kept both their strikers on
  7. We waited til they went 2-1 ahead before changing anything
  8. We should have changed tactics with the extra man advantage. We did nothing at all.
  9. We need more variety to our game. Teams are wise to the way we play. They don’t let our FB’s get forward & double up on Aribo and Kent.
  10. The shortcomings of our 4-3-3 is we’re playing only one recognised striker
  11. I don’t think Green or the D&P two will see any of their compensation if BDO get their way
  12. The calibre of opposition we’d face in the CLQ’s was always going to be tougher than the ELQ’s we’d faced. I think that needs to be remembered.
  13. Teams are now wise to the way we play. We need to look for alternatives
  14. When they went down to ten men we should have made tactical changes to benefit us. We did nothing at all
  15. Poor defending cost & needlessly giving the ball away cheaply cost us
  16. We simply need to put this behind us and focus on getting into the europa league and domestically too wee lesson tonight on the benefits of playing 2 strikers
  17. I think Dundee are certs to be relegated. I think almost everyone was amazed that they managed to beat Kilmarnock in the play off
  18. True but it’s how much come out of the rocky patch that matters. Changes were needed sooner in these last two games. As I said in another post Ive yet to be convinced about any of the players we’ve signed this year although I do concede it’s still early days for some of them
  19. Both Kent and Aribo were poor today and we relied on them a lot last season. Both should have been replaced earlier and I’m not sure Morelos should have started & stayed on as long as he did. Also at some point I think Itten is going to need a longer run of games than he’s been getting.A few games and a few goals would help his confidence Im also a bit concerned that I don’t think any of the players signed since the start of the year have improved us though I do concede it’s still early days for some of them
  20. I think we have issues up front Morelos has just returned & isn’t match fit and Roofe sadly will be missing meantime That leaves Itten & Sakala. Itten I think needs a run of games & Sakala not seen enough of yet
  21. It’s an attempt by Murdo Fraser to stop Rangers supporters voting SNP. how successful it is remains to be seen
  22. Maybe this will be start of a run of games for Itten.
  23. Can he play 40 odd games again this season? Not sure we’ve an obvious replacement
  24. I genuinely worry if this might be a season too far for Steven Davis.
  25. Performance was poor on Tuesday. Continued today.
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