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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Who’s going to check 50,000 covid passports at ibrox on match day? ?
  2. No CB on bench I see. Just wonder if Gerrard has made his mind up regards Simpson
  3. Don’t forget also that the Cinch deal is worth less than the previous Ladbrokes deal. Even the numpties running Hearts,Hibz & Aberdeen have sussed this out presumably one of the reasons they’re having the ‘review’
  4. If Cinch approached Rangers about naming rights & Rangers refused I’m not sure I see the relevance in any of this.
  5. Disappointing first half. I thought both Wright & Aribo were both guilty of giving away possession too easily at times. Better second half when Hagi came on & made an immediate impact. Always looked comfortable after opening goal. Like the look of Bacuna when he came on.
  6. I hope tomorrow evening our best striker Alfredo Morelos starts the game. I am, quite frankly, getting rather tired at our manager’s attempts to replace him.
  7. The harsh reality is our forwards aren’t getting enough goals in the league so far this season. Morelos, Roofe & Sakala have just one goal each from open play so far. That needs to change. My view is Morelos should be the first name on the team sheet but that’s another debate for another day.
  8. Disappointing night but I think you have to acknowledge the standard of opposition we faced. Way better than anything we’ll face for the rest of the season probably What disappointed me most was the way we gifted them the 2 goals. Losing possession too easily once again. But our home support need to realise too that playing in Europe is a totally different game from the SPFL. You need to keep possession even if it means going backwards more often than you’d like to. You can’t give away possession easily to top calibre sides or they’ll punish you. Patience is the key. On a more worrying note I do wonder if Steven Davis has got another full season in him. No one has got more admiration for Davis than myself but I genuinely wonder if this is a season too far for him but hopefully we’re now starting to see Lundstram emerge and show us the EPL player we thought we were getting. I thought he did well tonight
  9. I watched Olympique Lyon beat Strasbourg 3-1 on Sunday night. They were very impressive.
  10. Glad we got there in the end. Better performance second half although a bad goal to lose.
  11. Too much giving the ball away needlessly in the final third. Kent needs to do more.
  12. BBC Scotland have no credibility and have not done so for years. That is the major issue here. They lack accountability & credibility
  13. Just as well she isn’t a Rangers supporter or Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins would arrest her
  14. Sectarianism in SNP Scotland can be split into GOOD SECTARIANISM and BAD SECTARIANISM. GOOD SECTARIANISM is anti-British, anti-Protestant songs and whatever else from the jolly craicsters in the East End. It seldom results in prosecution. BAD SECTARIANISM is anything to do with the Rangers support for which there might be a remotest chance of prosecution. In other words the legal system is corrupt. Every time I see Asst Chief Constable Bernard Higgins I see a police officer with an agenda. Selective policing if ever I saw it. Then there’s the mhedia. Selective reporting by pseudo journos and pseudo pundits with an agenda like Higgins. Pick and choose what to report & what to ignore. But the excellent work by H&H has exposed this pond life for what they are…. themselves BIGOTS who thought they could mask this by accusing others but their past caught up with them in the end For that we owe H&H eternal gratitude and let it be a warning to the remaining Rangers-hating pondlife out there
  15. Much bigger stories than this in Scottish football this week but the SMSM won’t touch them. Where/when will it all end for separate entity FC and their BC?
  16. I’ve just been looking at a Facebook article which features an Indy march with a TORY SCUM OUT banner Whats the difference between that and the famine song? Both wrong in my opinion but one will end in prosecution and one won’t
  17. The SNP fascist state of Scotland.
  18. He doesn’t know the difference between race and ethnicity
  19. The problem today in SNP Scotland is that there is GOOD BIGOTRY and GOOD SECTARIANISM and there is BAD BIGOTRY and BAD SECTARIANISM. GOOD BIGOTRY and GOOD SECTARIANISM is anti-British, anti-English,anti-Rangers, anti-Protestant etc. It is condoned and seldom results in arrests & prosecutions BAD BiGOTRY and BAD SECTARIANISM is anti-catholic, anti-Irish and always leads to arrests & prosecutions where possible by PS and COPFS who are under the control of SNP Holyrood but shouldn’t be. A dangerous situation I’d suggest. And one which will increase rather than eradicate the problem
  20. Three people have been arrested I believe ? Just read polis Alba chief super Mark Sutherland refer to their crimes as ‘racial’ presumably he means the famine song & its anti-Irish theme. Truly amazing that this eejit doesn’t understand the difference between race & ethnicity
  21. In England during the 1980s a football ID card scheme was proposed to try & prevent hooliganism. It never got off the ground because it was deemed impractical to check so many cards before entering the stadium. This proposed covid vaccine passport looks similarly impractical to me
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