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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Disappointed not to get all 3 points but we simply cannot waste that number of good chances in a game. Also I do worry about the goalkeeper position. Maybe time is now catching up on McGregor. McLauchlin is out of contract at the end of season. Has he maybe said he’s leaving ? That only leaves McCrorie whom we’ve seen very little of
  2. Tom Devine is a vile, bitter old man who deeply despises Rangers football club and its supporters. And he thinks he can justify this hatred as an academic who thinks this makes him immune from any sort of accusation. His bigotry is acceptable, so he thinks. And his tactics are almost always the same: accuse the other side. The art of denial & deflection . Throughout my life(I’m in my mid fifties now) I’ve watched the likes of Devine and his ethnicity with much curiosity. I refer to them as ‘tartan Irish’ who claim to be Scots but antagonise their Irish ancestry to get a reaction which they often get. Then the accusations begin. Ive always believed these people want to turn Scotland into a ROI MK II, an anti-British state and now seem to have teamed up with our own homegrown SNP. But there are plenty who oppose it his & many within the Rangers support which seems to tip Devine and others over the edge periodically
  3. I also think Newcastle have previous in appointing former great players as manager and not working out for them. The best players in the world don’t want to go to the north east. They’d prefer to go to London or North West (Liverpool & Manchester)
  4. I’d suggest Ashley lost a quite a bit at Newcastle over his time there. The problem Newcastle will have, regardless if who owns them, is that the best players in the world don’t want to live in Geordieland
  5. But harsh. You need to remember what SG inherited when he took over Rangers
  6. More time to pay back the debt ??? ? The question that should be getting asked is why Whyte was allowed to build the debt up in the first place. And over a period of 6 month. Most other clubs didn’t get more than a month before HMRC came calling once they’d defaulted Was it to allow the debt to get to an amount so as to allow HMRC to block the CVA? looks that way to me. hopefully to BDO too.
  7. Somehow I don’t think selling those players or auchenhowie would have stopped the oldco being put into a liquidation process. The questionable actions of HMRC meant that liquidation was the only option. I’m sure however BDO will be aware of this.
  8. Child sexual abuse has happened in many organisations in many countries throughout the world. And probably continues. Unfortunate but true. In addition to the prosecutions we’ve seen so far, the Celtic BC issue is also about whether there was a cover-up. If so football’s governing bodies have to get involved. Did the club gain an advantage in doing so? Sporting integrity springs to mind.
  9. Amazing how many deluded people think if a player wins the ball in a tackle nothing else matters
  10. Nisbet was heading for a red card too for persistent fouling.
  11. Delighted with the 3 points although it must be said the red card helped us. I do hope our manager will persist with 2 up front like he did second half today. We look a much better side with 2 up front
  12. The ball used today is a lot lighter than previous times. Maybe today’s players will be less likely to develop dementia from heading the ball than previous generations. If there is a genuine link.
  13. I’m not sure they’ll be able to deliver it
  14. ??????? isn’t the cologne game you are referring to in 1982 ? if so John Greig was manager. And Jim Denny long gone by then. And was it 5-0 ?
  15. For me this is now getting to be a big concern
  16. Finished never to be seen again after Covid hopefully. These people aren’t the answer to racism
  17. The current Rangers team should always have Morelos in its starting XI. He is our best striker by far
  18. And when we do get it there we give it away too easily too often
  19. Sakala is awful. We’d have been better keeping Itten
  20. He just gives the ball away when he gets it. Get Morelos on.
  21. Very disappointing first half. Started well but now second best all over the pitch . We are struggling to score goals at the moment. We’re carrying very little goalthreat up front.
  22. We’re getting very thin on the ground for CB’s. I think it’s clear now Gerrard doesn’t rate Simpson & he’s not even in the EL squad
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