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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Great response after losing yet another needless early goal. Magnificent result. Walter would have been proud of that watching from above. Much more like the Rangers we all want to see.
  2. Goalkeeper had to do better. Should be able to block from such a tight angle. all started from another defensive mistake conceding a needless corner
  3. Firstly let’s hope we start the game strongly and don’t concede first which we’ve done too often in games recently. Hopefully we won’t see the suicidal passing the ball around our own penalty box when taking a bye kick. Especially in conditions like today. And let’s get early deliveries into their box with both Morelos and Sakala up front.
  4. Wonder what Sutton and Harrison will have to say about the yahoos game today? wonder if they’ll be outraged like they were on Wednesday at the Rangers game?
  5. Wonder what Sutton and Harrison will have to say about the yahoos game today? wonder if they’ll be outraged like they were on Wednesday at the Rangers game?
  6. I’d like to see Sakala up front with Morelos tomorrow. His pace will force Motherwell to defend deeper
  7. The referee perfectly entitled to award a foul for a jersey pull
  8. Seen the highlights for first time since last night. Regards the penalty it’s given for when Bates initially had a hold of sakala’s jersey at the edge of the box not when he goes down when they both reach the 6 yard box. Just as I saw it from my seat in the SJ rear. Penalty all day long
  9. I think it would be a good option to play Sakala and get him to sit in the shoulder of the last defender. Knock long balls over the top to him. But we don’t play that way. Everything is slow tempo with balls side to side & backwards. we need to change our style of play. We are too predictable & easy to play against. Playing sakala upfront on Sunday (with Morelos) would force Motherwell to defend deeper.
  10. He made little or no impact last season but I do think he’s a better option than sakala
  11. So do we play Sakala for his pace? only option for pace we’ve got. And he looks miles short of what we need
  12. Their first goal tonight was embarrassing. When will stop this nonsense playing the ball around in our own penalty box. Were not good enough to do that.
  13. Stunned by this news. Knew he’d had a major operation about 6 months ago but thought he was recovering RIP Walter
  14. NBM (like FARE) are an agenda-driven organisation who target their selected individuals & organisations with the aim of causing maximum damage to them. However their lack of integrity is apparent when they disregard other individuals & organisations who are blatantly guilty of the same offences as their targeted ones. I’d suggest maybe these individuals & organisations are represented with NBM & FARE. To me they have no real genuine interest in achieving the aims they claim to support and are little more than a group of unaccountable pond life seeking to destroy their selected targets with the help of others in authority. Fascism in all but name. Unfortunately politicians & organisations such as football’s governing bodies are scared to challenge these partisan groups for fear of accusations which should be a big concern to all in a so-called free democracy.
  15. Gave the ball away needlessly & didn’t get close enough to the guy.
  16. I’d suggest more squad rotation than McGregor dropped. I see Jack Simpson back on subs bench ?
  17. Re 2nd goal against Brondby see the benefits of having two strikers/forwards on the park?
  18. One wonders if anyone at the SPFL or SFA will accept responsibility for this costly defeat & resign their from their lucrative positions ? sadly I think we know the answer already
  19. Much better. Let’s hope we can take confidence from tonight into Sunday against St Midden who always seem to up their game against us
  20. Clarke’s had a better group of players to choose from than previous Scotland managers. I think that needs to be taken into account
  21. I doubt it very much if Gerrard will become the next Newcastle manager but I do think Newcastle will struggle to get a Gardiola type appointment
  22. Of course he has. Just hope our board have a successor in mind.
  23. Or 97-98. We had vastly superior teams to Celtic in those 2 seasons. Doesn’t always guarantee anything though
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