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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I wonder if wee Brendan will be trying to work his ticket soon at Leicester
  2. Merry Christmas to all Gersnetters.
  3. I presume it’s the actual sum BDO are disputing. this whole thing is turning into a farce. I always remember back in 2012 the headline figure of debt owed was £134m of which £94m was owed to HMRC. BDO have already knocked £30m off that £94m leaving it now at £64m of which they’re now disputing £51m. The total value of the EBTs was around £48m so at what rate did they think they’re taxed at? >100%? Going back to the £134m figure, if £94m was ‘owed’ to HMRC then that leaves £40m owed elsewhere. £27m of that was owed to ticketus but D&P got the deal declared illegal and terminated it in court meaning they got nothing. That leaves £13m of which £7.7m was owed to debenture holders and just under £3m football debts which got repaid by Green. The rest was small debts The reasons for administration and then liquidation are diminishing day by day. Then there was the rejection by HMRC of Murray’s offer to settle the EBT’s. That was refused. Doesn’t look to me HMRC got a good deal for the taxpayers in all of this so was there a political influence in all of this? the names are still out there
  4. I’d like to know who it was who decided to pursue this from HMRC. And whether there was political influence. And what implications are for winning in the Supreme Court in terms of chasing other EBT schemes. Whyte was spot on when he said HMRC would appeal and appeal until they got it into the civil courts where they knew they stood a better chance of winning and they did. Whether HMRC expected to win is another matter But this weeks news that BDO are contesting £51m of the £64m so-called oldco debt is very interesting indeed
  5. Lots I’d suggest. Not being investigated by polis Alba this time unfortunately for him. Both the FCA and the city of London police are in a different league
  6. How much does it cost the SPFL for cancelled games? how much do they need to repay SKY for each game? anyone know?
  7. Are we forgetting we’ve got half a dozen players out injured at the moment? Cancelling games just now might help us.
  8. No sign of McGuire being prosecuted for sectarian behaviour? any comments from Humza Yousaf ? James Dornan? what a nasty wee, horrible one-sided country we live in
  9. Arsenal got allowed to settle their EBT’s Rangers weren’t allowed.
  10. I believe HMRC were manipulated by SLAB politicians and maybe one or two others to pursue this. The timing of the initial claim was always critical i.e. just before the 2010 G.E. which Labour were expected to lose and did.
  11. Couple of talking points today I thought: 1 - was it a penal for the foul on Kent first half? 2 - was the Morelos goal offside?
  12. Be interesting to see what sort of team Dundee United play today. my guess is little difference from normal
  13. Let’s move on FWIW I think Gerard & Co should have gone last summer I think we’ve now got a better manager & back room staff
  14. Hope Ross and Gio were asking him when he’s getting his UEFA pro licence
  15. How do the yahoos get work permits for these Japanese players they’re supposedly signing? Are they internationalists? And has Ange got his uefa pro licence yet?
  16. Pleased to get a win after a sluggish start to the first half. Once we got in front I don’t think there was any doubt but I would like to see us score more goals. Morelos looks to be getting back to the player he was now Gerard’s gone. Long may it continue.
  17. Don’t know how anyone can listen to BBC Scotland sportsound. Blatant anti-Rangers bias. 26th of foot must be a glutton for punishment
  18. GVB inherited a team which had just lost a LC SF to a struggling hibz team. Yet another domestic cup capitulation. During SG’s reign we got put out of cups by Aberdeen (twice) , St Johnstone, St Mirren & hertz. And there was,of course, the LC final against the yahoos with their offside goal. This needs to change & Im sure Gio knows this. The one loss in 52 league games you keep referring to includes last season. But last season is now history. Focusing on this season we were too often nowhere near those standards. Home draws against hertz, Aberdeen & Motherwell for starters. As I said earlier I do think we’d lost our way a bit under Gerrard but there are already good early encouraging signs under GVB that we’re getting back to where we were last season, particularly in league form.
  19. There were one or two others IIRC. One on lundstram I remember ‘endangering an opponent’ is how I believe it is called nowadays
  20. I’d say we may well have dropped points today if Gerrard was still in charge. For whatever reason we seemed to be starting games poorly & conceding early doors towards the end of his time here. Today hertz, as expected, came flying out the traps from kick off. I just thought we seemed better prepared. And the Aribo goal from the long ball was clearly something we’d been planning. Goldson tried the same thing minutes earlier but was unlucky that the ball was slightly over hit. It was as if we’d been working on playing against hertz back three. Aribo got in the space between their two CB’s
  21. I was meaning we’d lost our way this season. For me something wasn’t right since we lost to malmo home & away.
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