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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Over time the virus will reduce in strength and will die out. Hopefully by then our political masters will have found out where the virus originated from & taken action
  2. I think Davis will be off at the end of he season. Maybe retire. Gio will be planning ahead.
  3. I don’t think we should be pushing the boat out for Souttar given his injury record
  4. If young Leon gets loaned out for experience let’s hope we do it wisely. No SPFL championship or anything like that
  5. I read we’re looking for £5m for Barasic which EPL clubs could easily afford. And in-form Morelos being watched by 2 or 3 EPL clubs too. Starting to get worried….😱
  6. My fear is Leeds now come in for Tavernier
  7. It’s a good deal for us, selling Patterson, but I do wonder if Everton are the right club for him to be going to at the moment Hopefully we won’t need to sell anyone else but I’d be amazed if we didn’t get enquiries for others.
  8. Patterson should think long & hard before joining Everton. They are in a bad way at the moment and I’d suspect their manager close to getting sacked
  9. Not sure we need 2 wide players ( Skov Olsen & Summerville) unless there’s wide players leaving
  10. And how Duffy managed to play against hibz when they got back. SFA asleep at the wheel?
  11. Yes remember now. They got a free kick first half otherwise don’t remember McGregor having anything to do
  12. Scottish football dug its own commercial grave in 2012 when the football authorities allowed clubs to put Rangers in SFL3
  13. I think it’s more to do with whether the SPFL have broken their own rules
  14. And what is the cost of these cancellations in terms of payments to SKY ?
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