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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If Morelos left we’d have a big problem unless Roofe was fit. Privately I don’t think GvB sees Sakala & Itten as what he wants
  2. I thought the conditions played a big part last night. They adapted better than we did. Not always easy to play our passing game with the overhead conditions we had last night
  3. Shouldn’t have been a penalty. Ferguson shoves Barasic before his header that hits Morelos hand
  4. We’ve been sluggish this first half. Hopefully raise our game second half. And raise our tempo a bit. Need to get Kent & Wright running at them a bit more often
  5. It’s fascinating isn’t it? In Scotland we’ve got individuals in the Scottish media & broadcasting fraternity who think they can say what they like, make all sorts of accusations and expect no recourse whatsoever. But in the big world out there beyond parochial Scotland unfortunately life just isnt quite like that. Weve already seen incompetent & useless COPFS fail miserably in their pursuit of D&P resulting in big payouts funded from the taxpayers. Now BBC PQ too may need to cough up big bucks because its Rangers hating programme makers made a programme about Rangers insinuating wrong doing and implicating individuals at Rangers or in their dealings with Rangers Should be good. Sit back and enjoy
  6. Like most yahoos he doesn’t understand the seriousness of it all. It’s not just about child abuse. It’s about whether certain clubs knowingly tried to cover it up
  7. Hope I’m wrong but I think Patterson will regret going there
  8. I couldn’t care less about whether the old firm being used or not. I prefer to have no association whatsoever with that vile club & its tarred history from the east end
  9. But still no BBC PQ verdict on Rangers signing Scotland CB John Souttar? Surely we’ll get an opinion soon ? 🤡
  10. Have PQ made any mention of Riley McGree who snubbed the yahoos? 😂 maybe 26th of foot could tell us the PQ take on why the young Aussie snubbed his fellow Aussie Ange 😋
  11. Never knew that but doesn’t surprise me. D&P had to get rid off Kennedy first.
  12. Agreed but I don’t think doing nothing was an option for the police. It looked so obvious what had gone on.
  13. I got suspicious of D&P when they dismissed Brian Kennedy’s bid. They should have been on their hands & knees begging him to take over. A respectable businessman with a proven track record. Then they nominated their preferred bidder as a trailer guy from the USA who’d never been outside the USA let alone know anything about Rangers. Once he withdrew his bid chuckles green appeared over the horizon to save the day💩 The whole thing was a farce and stank to the high heavens. No surprise the police got suspicious but they screwed up big style
  14. Still maintain the police were justified in going after these individuals. However they made a complete arse of it for whatever reason. It seemed to me they lacked evidence
  15. Signing ? Has Souttar signed yet. I’d guess he’d have to go through a pretty stringent medical first b4 Rangers or anyone signs him
  16. No questions over his scoring record. Just his fitness.Like one or two others misses too many games for my liking The new Rangers manager may have a different view on this to his predecessor
  17. I suppose the new Rangers manager might want to see what he can do but I really don’t think Itten has a future at Rangers
  18. I’d suggest we need one CB now and two if Goldson leaves. Helander & Balougen missing too many games nowadays for my liking
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