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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 1 hour ago, Bluedell said:

    Yeah, I'd agree that Sterling should start alongside Lundstram. We'll need his athleticism in the middle. It would be a huge decision for the manager to drop Diomande but he can't do the job Sterling can do.

    Why not play the 3 of them with Diomande but a slightly advanced role. And if Matondo’s fit he should start too. If we use his pace it could cause them all sorts problems and push their defence back. Probably mean that either Dessers or Silva would play up front on their own.

    Its vital PC puts a lot of thought into this fixture at their place because GvB and MB didn’t 

  2. 16 hours ago, yuddie said:

    Job done, on to Saturday!


    It'll have to be a huge mentality shift for these players to go to the east end and win - simply because post Gerrard we've shat the bed at their place every time.


    But I'm holding onto the 'any given Sunday' hope (Saturday!).


    I doubt Clement would ever do this but put Sterling in the midfield and go man for man at their place - don't die wondering as we so often have in recent years.


    Nerves and excitement building already!

    Put sterling  in central midfield not out wide as he was first half yesterday 

  3. 4 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Yes - if the refs thought they were penalties they would have given them. They didn't. Only got them due to VAR intervention. 


    Worth noting that whilst VAR have given us our last 11 pens, we are they team who've suffered the most incorrect VAR decisions. Including a red card that was confirmed by VAR then upheld on appeal and Sterling received an additional game ban. All perfectly accidental off course.

    Wonder who the refs were when we got these VAR decisions against us & had to rely on VAR for penalties?

    let me guess.. Colum ? Clancy? Robertson? Walsh? Am I close?

  4. We got there in the end with a goal at the start & one at the end. However I felt we fell out the game a bit after the first goal although Hearts created few clear chances.

    Thought MacAusland had his best game for a while although injuries to Sima and Matondo will be a worry.

    Good to see Dessers get a couple of goals. Hopefully that’ll boost his confidence between now & the end of the season.

    Am I the only one who thought Shankland was largely anonymous against us again today? He’d find it harder to score against packed defences for Rangers than he does for hertz. Maybe I’m not the only one unconvinced by him

  5. 30 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    If we are serious about recruitment and player trading model then any offers for Butland over £7M should be accepted. 


    Brought in on a free transfer, had a decent season (but like most, been shaky over last few games) and will attract interest from EPL. 



    Replacing Butland like for like would be almost impossible unless we’ve got millions stashed away somewhere.



  6. 2 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Keeping Cantwell would be fine with me, but he needs to be more consistent as when he is in form, he is a good player. 


    We can't rely on Ridvan, that's a matter of fact, not opinion. Just look at his availability / selection since he arrived. Plus his stats show that he is no better or worse than a declining Barasic (who'll thankfully leave at the end of the season).


    I'd be agreeable to extending Sima's loan (as we won't be buying him). Same with Cortes but will depend on how he recovers from his injury. Silva should be sent straight back to Wolves.


    The board are at a cross-road. The squad requires major investment / surgery this summer and that will come at a cost. 


    It took SG 3 seasons to assemble a team that eventually won us the league, I'd say we are in a similar position now as we were when he took over. 


    Recruit is key - we simply havent replaced the likes of Aribo, Kamera, Morelos, Kent, Helander and even the likes of Arfield.


    We might not win another title with Tav and / or Goldson but moving them on / dropping them wouldn't  magically transform us into title winners. 


    The issue is far more deep routed that just Tav and Goldson.

    Remember too we could end up losing three GK’s at the end of the season. Just think of the problems that could cause 

  7. 1 minute ago, CammyF said:

    That's the issue - people quote Beales transfer outlay, but in reality it was something like circa £6M net. 


    He got rid of players we all.want rid off - Helander, Kent, Kamara, Morelos etc and they were not replaced by better players. 


    We'll get rid of Tav, Barasic, Goldson and Lundstrum and their replacements may not be better.


    Never ending cycle. 


    We have to give Clement a chance, he's only had 1 window and apart from Silva, the players brought in have looked like they could offer something. 


    However, they were all loans (with 1 obligation to buy and 1 option to buy). So £4.5M of whatever the board promised Clement is going on Diomande. 

    I’m not so sure we’ll get rid off Tav and Goldson just so easily. They’ve both got contracts earning £30k plus pw with 2 years to run which I’d doubt they’d get elsewhere. 
    We need to ship out all our forwards if possible. Roofer’s contract is up & Sulva will go back to Wolves. That leaves Dessers & Danihlo. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, compo said:

    Manager must have tore into them after Sunday’s debacle told some of them a few home truth told some they won’t be hear next season and the dressing room leaders mustered the troops into some kind of go slow , it’s becoming a shambles they had a chance tonight to stake a claim for the title and played like they just didn't care . 

    Much as though I hate to say it, the manager’s team selection these past few weeks haven’t helped. Constantly chopping & changing especially up front. 
    I don’t think he did tear into them. I suspect he’s trying to protect them as their confidence is low & he knows some of them need to go. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    This romantic notion that things will magically change for the better if / when we get rid of "certain individuals" is pie in the sky or wishful thinking. Unless those certain individuals are the vast majority of our squad. 


    Struggling to think of any reason to keep any of them.

    Beale more or less did this last summer. Got shot off players. Problem is the replacements mostly weren’t as good as those he let go. 
    we will no doubt spend another summer looking for Bosmans & poundshop bargain signings hoping they improve us but probably won’t 

  10. We were lucky not to lose a goal after 40 seconds after WE kicked off 

    I think we’ve settled a bit more as the game has gone on but there’s a total lack of creativity. 
    Roofes having a nightmare. Will Dessers come on? 🤬

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