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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. FWIW I genuinely believe we’d have won last night had Morelos been fit.
  2. What concerns me is we lost two similar goals like that to the yahoos in the two games at Parkhead i.e a long cross ball in from the RB area
  3. Bringing on Sakala instead of Roofe was a mistake which cost us the game. We needed more threat uo front. Frankfurt subbed both their CB’s.
  4. Let’s hope Wright can keep the ball & not give it away needlessly as he does too often for my liking
  5. Just think Ramsey could give us that wee bit something special but as you say his work rate when we’re not in possession isn’t great
  6. I’m trying to WFH atm but it’s no use. Can’t concentrate on anything. Just hope we don’t miss Morelos tomorrow night. This team do concede goals so he’d get opportunities his way. And, controversially maybe, I’d start with Ramsey. I just think we have to hope his quality could be the difference on the night if he’s fit. And McGregor’s indifferent form is in the past for rest of this season
  7. They’re allowed to be bigots.We’re not. welcome to Scotland 2022
  8. A fairly comfortable win & it was good to see the youngsters getting a run-out although not too convinced wide left suited Lowry. He seems a more central MF player to me p.s Dundee Utd keeper impressed me again. Does anyone know if we’re trying to sign him if Greegsy retires? If he does retire that only leaves McLauchlin & young McCrorie who, for whatever reason, doesn’t seem to me to have a future at Rangers
  9. Just back in and still lost for words. A night we didn’t want to end. well done to everyone tonight, manager, coaching staff, players and the support. Lets go on and win it…..
  10. Sakala could have had a hat-trick. scored, hit the post and should have scored with the header from the corner
  11. For their goal the cross should never have reached the back post.
  12. And remember…… when shooting today, all shots to Joe Hart’s left hand side 🤠
  13. Fearing the worst today. The league has gone. Genuinely think too many minds will be on next Thursday night
  14. My thoughts exactly. The Leipzig player is offside & in the goalkeeper’s line of vision
  15. A Scottish team which gets to the SF of a European Competition doesn’t get any of its players nominated for the PFA player of the year Tavernier or Goldson maybe? Once again Scottish football embarasses itself
  16. Wonder when the SFA will think they should get involved. A member club deliberately covered up criminality at its BC for almost 3 decades. And that BC produced many players for its first team who went on to have successful careers winning many trophies for the club. Surely the question needs to be asked whether the member club would have had as much success had the criminality at the BC been dealt with at the time? I’d suggest probably not. In fact definitely not. Does that mean we should invoke ‘sporting integrity’ ? Should some or all honours be removed from the member club throughout these 3 decades?
  17. Sportscene is embarrassing end of story. Full of second & third rate former players masquerading as pundits who don’t seem to understand the rules of the game
  18. A good win despite another poor refereeing performance. After the Balogen red card Walsh had to be consistent & send off Ojala for the tackle on Wright. He wasn’t but thankfully it didn’t matter in the end
  19. We’ve been denied 3 goals at home in the Europa league since Christmas all of which should have stood in my opinion (including Ramsey’s one against Braga which was over the line) I welcome VAR but it isn’t foolproof
  20. Do we know which SPFL club voted against VAR ?
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