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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 3 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    Peter's place men fill a number of designations in the Scottish game.


    Chief Executive of the SFA - Ian Maxwell.

    President of the SFA - Mike Mulraney.

    Chief Executive Officer of the SPFL - Neil Doncaster.

    Chairman of the SPFL - Murdoch MacLennan.

    Head of Refereeing - Wullie Collum.


    In fact, they fill them all.

    Thought Maxwell was a Rangers man?

    and is there a compliance officer these days?

  2. 40 minutes ago, ian1964 said:


    They did indeed benefit from both. It’s called corruption in Scottish football from biased officials.

    also recall the recent game v Motherwell at ibrox when Casey took out McCausland. Similar or identical to Lundstrum yesterday.

    No VAR intervention in the Motherwell game but Lundstrum red card after VAR

  3. 5 minutes ago, Rousseau said:

    I don't think it's all doom and gloom. 


    We're making progress behind the scenes. The commercial side is improving.


    I much prefer our footballing structure to theirs. They're in a false position after 10 years of easy CL money, not because they're well-run per se; they've had it easy. 


    We've got our recruitment wrong in the last few windows and haven't sold when values were high - mainly because we didn't have a DoF with more control and left it to a manager. The Beale appointment was a mistake, too. 


    We should have won the league this year, despite poor recruitment, letting them have a head start after Beale's poor start, and a squad decimated by injuries. 


    We've got a good opportunity this summer with a lot of high-wage players out of contract. 

    I know we’re going over old ground here but if we’re having a DoF it needs to be the right guy. Wilson wasn’t 

  4. I do know there are 1 or 2 high profile business people in Scotland who would be prepared to put money into Rangers but it’s not as simple as that. These people don’t hand over money & let the incumbents get on with it. They want influence & control over the running of the club which usually means getting their own people into positions of power. 
    King’s shareholding is available as is Park’s as far as I’m aware. Anyone investing would might want them removed hence buying up their shareholdings. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Sutton_blows_goats said:

    Your the only other person I’ve seen say that, I’ve said myself plenty from what I have seen of him he looks a waste of 6 million. Not sure why so many see him as some kind of striker panacea.

    He’s too lightweight for me

  6. 30 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    The fee the guy is quoting is £21M - probably not all "up-front" but anywhere near that is a brilliant fee. 

    Now we have to replace Butland 😩

  7. 2 minutes ago, locked ward said:

    If he thinks Tom Lawrence has the fitness/energy/heart to win a midfield battle at the piggery I would not trust him with any money at all.

    I can’t understand his reluctance to play Raskin. He’s a battler which you need in an OF fixture 

  8. 3 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Yilmaz has played 10 mins in the last 6 or so weeks. Huge gamble starting him in a game where we know they'll come out the traps flying. 


    CH pairing of Davies and Souttar gives me nightmares.


    No wide players which means we will rely on Tav and whoever plays LB to get the service to Dessers. Thus will leave us exposed to Celtics wide players. 


    I have a horrible, horrible feeling about tomorrow.  

    If Matondo is fit he must play. Even for an hour or so. The manager needs some sort of game plan & tactics for this fixture… otherwise we’re doomed 

  9. I’ve said it before on here, that when we go to the giro dome priority number1 is to keep 11 players on the park. Tomorrow we can expect a shitebag of a referee who will be afraid to give any major decisions against them like Walsh was last time around.

    It’s vital we get control of the MF. I’d even go 4-5-1 with three central MF players and matondo wide. Dowell or Lawrence would make up the 5

    Finally it’s important the players ignore the yahoo circus going on around them and concentrate on their owngame. They(the yahoos) are no world beaters. Hearts have won there already this season in the league.

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