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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Colak is now serious competition for him. Perhaps he realises that
  2. I think it’s fairly obvious who benefits from inconsistent Scottish officials. One club more than most I’d suggest. The question needing asked is whether this inconsistency is deliberate.
  3. Collum is a very inconsistent referee who likes to make big decisions in games, too many of which he gets wrong Our own issue at the moment (other than the CLQ) is whether Morelos and Kent will sign contract extensions offered. If not they should be sold immediately to allow the manager to bring in replacements before the end of the transfer window
  4. Except for the penalty he didn’t give us first half 😳 thought that was what VAR was for
  5. Tonight’s the sort of game where Kent has to show what he can do. He doesn’t do it often enough for my liking
  6. A decent scoreline in the end but like last week against Killie it took us time to get going against a team putting eleven men behind the ball as much as they could. Most of our recent signings are making an impact with Tillman probably most of all. Matondo got better today as the game went on and Ben Davies looks an assured defender. And Lawrence getting on the scoresheet was good to see. I just wonder if Morelos realises he’s now got serious competition up front when we play the lone striker. Until this season only really Roofe provided it but his fitness has hindered him everywhere he’s been. Colak is finding the net quite regularly now and doesn’t need a barrowload of chances either to score.
  7. Sports Science is very much part of the game nowadays which I’d guess is behind this appointment
  8. One thing I took from tonight is that Lawrence & Lundstrum are forming a good MF pairing. Also I thought having only Kent as a naturally wide player helped consolidate the central MF The recent summer signings are still finding their feet but the signs are good. It looks like another long season with lots of games & squad rotation will be vital.
  9. Simpson had to be one of our most bizarre signings of all time. He was about 24 when we signed him & he’d hardly played a game for Bournemouth. It soon became apparent why.
  10. Would like to have seen us getting more goals today but the most important thing was a win after last Tuesday. Am I the only one who thinks that the young Turkish LB is a bit on the small side?😳
  11. It’s too easily overlooked that we were missing Kent & Morelos on Tuesday and we’d sold aribo & Bassey We were, arguably, missing our 4 best players from last season on Tuesday.
  12. A Rangers team without Kent, Morelos and Aribo in it will always struggle going forward. Only new signing who’s impressed me so far is Tillman
  13. Vital we start well tonight which we didn’t do on Saturday
  14. Don Robertson was the ref on Saturday not Walsh. Couldnt help noticing that one of his assistant refs was David Roome on Saturday. was that him who failed to spot 3 offside Shellik players at their goal in the 2019 LC final?
  15. Whyte once said something along the lines of that Rangers were a train that was already crashing & he just happened to be the driver at the time. But the questions remain how he managed to become the driver & whether he was the sole driver. I think not Now he’s looking for his own payday. I wonder what Mr Murray makes of all this. And if he’s successful whether others might join the queue too. Maybe those sleeping dogs might waken.
  16. Almost all football managers have short shelf lives. even more so at clubs like Motherwell
  17. What will the Green Brigade say? Did the fire brigade put out the fire ok? 🔥
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