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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bill said:

    The solution to this mess obviously lies with the management and players but I think there's also a need for some realism among the support. Since witnessing a humiliating defeat, where our rivals gave us the proverbial runaround for 90 minutes, I repeatedly read about how Celtic are "shit", "ordinary", "nothing special" and that if we had only turned up today we would surely have beaten them. This, of course, is pure delusion. From what I've seen, Celtic are better than us in every department. They pass better, they're direct, they're faster, hungrier, more aggressive,. They're better organised, more coordinated and appear to be far better prepared and motivated.


    Postecoglou isn't a fat useless Aussie, he's a serious manager who has a considerable track record of success and clearly understand what it takes to be the number one team in this parish. In a single season he's transformed a sinking ship, won the league, reached the CL group stages and created a team that is miles ahead of Rangers. So perhaps we need to give the Devil his due and admit the magnitude of the task facing Rangers.


    How is it possible there could be such a gulf in class between the teams we watched today? I didn't expect it to be so glaring and admit to being taken aback by how good they were. One thing is for sure, the distance between the two sides won't be closed by failing to admit it exists.

    We’ll see how good Postecoglue’s team are in the CL. 
    I stand by my assessment of today’s performance that it was our defensive errors and substandard goalkeeping which gave then an easy victory. We should have done something about the goalkeeper situation during the summer.

  2. 7 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Gio even mentioned this in his post match interview but somehow this wasn't communicated onto the players on the pitch. Baffling. 

    Shouldn’t the players be capable of sorting this out themselves. Surely they know what to expect at Celtic park? Everything 100mph from kick off. Even hearts & Aberdeen seemed to cope better than we did recently at Celtic park this season 

  3. 23 minutes ago, DMAA said:

    A bit of an indictment of the quality of this squad. We’re not good enough, I don’t care what anyone says, we should not be losing 4-0 to our rivals. They have more quality in key positions across the starting 11 and it showed today. This is not going to be easy to turn around. 

    The game was lost in the first half today because of defensive & goalkeeping errors.

    When that happens there isn’t much you can do

  4. 13 minutes ago, BlackSocksRedTops said:

    Just out of interest, can anyone pinpoint the last signing we made that has actually improved our team? 



    Lawrence,Colak  & Tillman look decent signings we made the summer. Ben Davies should be a good signing too.

    My main concern was goalkeeper. I saw no point in retaining McGregor who had a few errors last season. That meant we needed a goalkeeper. Easy option was Siegrist but we waited and the yahoos got him. 
    No we’re paying the price unless McCrorie is the answer



  5. 1 minute ago, the gunslinger said:

    I think the time for kidding on hes not that good is past. 


    Took an unfancied Japanese team to the title. Took Australia to the World Cup. Revitalised an awful celtc instantly. 


    you stick him in at a spurs they might go win the league or could take a west ham to top 4. 


    Could be a disaster as well but you can be sure someone will take a chance soon. Especially if they get a couple of European results .

    Australia & the USA seem to qualify for every WC thro easy qualification 

    I don’t know much about Japanese football so can’t comment

    He's no Gardiola 

  6. 3 minutes ago, the gunslinger said:

    We need a keeper who is good on the ball. It's not McGregor or McLaughlan. Mind you they get away with one who is awful by helping him more. 

    McLaughlin struggles with low shots too often for my liking

  7. 1 minute ago, the gunslinger said:

    I will say this Ange won't be at Celtc at the end of the season. Probably not the end of the year. 


    They will have trouble when he goes. How much is debatable but i am not convinced their form has much to do with quality of player. 


    Some of their players are very very ordinary. A couple are excellent mind you.  

    How where’s he going?

    he’s not done much anywhere else has he?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Uilleam said:

    We have a plethora of coaches, even -ffs!- a coach who coaches coaches, and we end up with this, a game plan, if such it is, which plays directly to the strength of the opposition. 

    Its gameplan is remarkably simple: let them have the ball, and come slowly towards us, press, and take it from them, run up the park and score. 




    Can have as many coaches as you like but when players make the mistakes we’re making today the end result is inevitable.

    first 2 goals came from a quick throw in and a quick free kick then the third came from Barasic leaving his man to run into the centre for whatever reason 

  9. Pleased with the result & performance although felt we could have scored a couple more goals.

    big week ahead before the transfer window closes. Maybe we’ll need to add another forward if Morelos talks don’t work out & are we sufficiently covered at CB ?


    p.s what was all that about in first half behind Rangers dugout. I’m in SJ rear so didn’t get a good view. Police & medics was it going into crowd?

  10. I’m told from someone with a source that the manager’s patience is wearing thin with both Morelos & Kent not signing new deals offered to them.

    Looks like his patience with Morelos may have snapped. Doubt we’ll see him playing for Rangers again

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