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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. What we musn't do is accept an SPL place next season which carries a 10point penalty. That would play right into the hands of our enemies. We need to play hardball with these muppets. If we play in SPL then it's no penalties. If not then they lose the SKY contract and we sit back and laugh as clubs fail ( hopefully Dundee Hibernian will be first).
  2. Why don't just do our utmost to get out of the SPL altogether? as I said earlier they hate us. Let's see if we can apply to join the Dutch league(say start in their 2nd or 3d division)
  3. when English clubs have gone into administration and/or liquidation in the past the football authorities down south have tried to help where possible. It happened up here too for Motherwell, Livingston, Gretna, Dundee etc. Why is it we got no help whatsoever just sanctions, punishments and so on ?? Whoever takes over Rangers need to be prepared for serious battles ahead with the SFA/SPL/SFL. Removal of Regan, Lawwell & Lunny from the SFA will do for starters.
  4. Shellik got put out the Europa League this season by Atletico Madrid who owe the Spanish Tax Authorities something like 155million Euros which is much much more than we owed HMRC. Why aren't they (and their chums at the SFA) lobbying UEFA to get Atletico stripped of the Europa Cup they won in the on the grounds of 'sporting integrity' ?
  5. Hate to say it but Walter's consortium has come in far too late in the day.................
  6. I think we also have to realise that Ally may now wish to step aside. He's been to hell & back over these past few months which must have taken its toll on him. We must respect whatever he decides to do. He'll always be 'Super Ally' to us all.
  7. we need to know what the long term plans are for any consortium taking over. How they plan to increase revenue into the club is of particular interest. About the only thing I could believe that Craig Whyte said was we were running at a loss of £1m per month without European football. Now we face 3 or more season without European Football. How will this shortfall be made up ? What league will we play in next season too? what players will go and who will stay ? Many many questions lie ahead
  8. Charles Green ( or whoever owns us) needs to lay it on the line with the SFA/SPL and state quite clearly that we will not accept SPL(with sanctions).I can't see that happening so we have to look at alternatives. SFL Div3in my opinion is laughable. Seriously ? What players woild want to stay and play in Div3 ? who could we sign who'd want to play in div3? and think about it -it would be four years before European football returned to Ibrox by the time we got back to the SPL. And btw I don't think potential investors would be too impressed by this approach either. That is why I strongly believe we must take this opportunity now get out of this nastly little country which is now being run by the you-know-who's everywhere and start elsewhere if possible. I believe a smallish northern european league would welcome a big club & the revenue it could bring. Yes it may sound far-fetched to some but these are not normal times we find ourselves in my fellow Rangers supporters. We have people out there determined to put us out of existence. We all must remember that and be prepared for the many battles which now lie ahead.
  9. I don't want either SPL with sanctions or SFL division 3. We need to get away from Scottish football altogether. They hate us. Forget England too. They don't need us, they've enough big clubs. Why don't we try a smallish country like Holland if we could get UEFA approval telling them we're not wanted in our own country. We'd end up in a much better league than SPL for a start ( if we got promoted to EREDIVISIE after a seson or two) Away games we'd need to accept there wouldn't be much support but hom games against better teams would appeal to many WE NEED TO GET OUT OF SCOTLAND
  10. if SFL or SPL don't want us why not join say dutch league div2 & hopefully get promoted ? England is out. They've world's best league & have enough big clubs
  11. lawwell will also be worried if we're not in SPL next season. The 11-1 SPL voting will end without us. The diddy clubs would want a share of gate receipts at the breezeblock
  12. rumour always was when HMRC chose Rangers they were wrong testcase for EBT investigation & they wouldn't admit it. HMRC have poor record in these EBT cases so far ( not won any). IMO today by refusing CVA allowed them to drop BTC and save their own face from another defeat. Just my theory
  13. as things currently stand 11-1 is voting in SPL. Anyone else think other SPL clubs(excluding Shellik) will allow our newco into SPL next season if we support 9-3 or such like? think this would lead to them wanting away teams getting share of gate receipts which would benefit them when visiting OF. Thoughts anyone?
  14. we'll agree to support change from 11-1 SPL voting to say 9-3 and all SPL clubs will vote us back into SPL next season
  15. I've listened to much debate all day about whether we go to div3 or get back into SPL as a newco. My view is we'll be re-admitted to SPL. Here's why:- The SPL currently has an 11-1 voting arrangement which basically means the OF have to give their consent to anything new rulings being voted on. Non OF clubs want this changed to 9-3 which can't currently happen if the OF stick together. However if Rangers agree to support this new 9-3 voting then sufficient SPL clubs will support us retaining our place in the SPL. (We do have a newco vote next week as SPL said today remember). The downside to this is that the non OF clubs will be able to call some shots if you like. One such demand could be getting a share of gate receipts when the visit Ibrox & Celtic Park. Might not affect us too much in the near future as we'll have massively scaled-down wage bill but for Celtic this could be big trouble.......they already have a massive wage bill and if they fail to make the CL this season ( here's hoping) then watch a firesale in the east end.
  16. Which team does Adan O'Neill QC support? the same one as Vincent Lunny?
  17. points to consider regarding EBT's 1. EBT schemes were not illegal. Some 5,000 were used in UK prior to being stopped Xmas 2010. 2. not a contract as such but a loan which to be paid back(probably in 100 years time or so meaning persons never repay loan i.e. tax avoidance (legal) 3. any tax due on loan responsibility of beneficiary 4. My understanding is HMRC state existence of letters stating loans dont need to be repaid. They've never proved existence of these letters. They dont exist. hope this clears things up a little
  18. to go back to original post then I'd have to say I don't think we've got the players to win the league next season (provided they all agreed to stay). We're short up front for a start. We've lost Miller & Jelavic over last year or so. You can't take them out of the side and not replace them then expect to carry on as if nothing had happened
  19. whether we like it or not Whyte got his money legitimately from Ticketus which he then lodged with his then solicitors Collyer Bristow. Lloyds would probably argue they'd no reason to suspect anything untoward as this money had come from a respected law firm. No, the question I want answered is why were Lloyds so keen to force SDM to sell Rangers ? Rangers only made up around 3% of the MIH debt so it couldn't have been that. As Leggat has always pointed out,the two characters running Lloyds business banking in Scotland at that time were an Archibald Gerald Kane & our old chum Manus Joseph Fullarton( he of the Celtic trust). Did their Shellik allegiances come out in this ? it certainly looks very like it to me. Of course these two have since departed lloyds but would it be possible for these two to be brought to task & explain ? I, for one, would like to see that.
  20. A fair number of sensible people out there who understand the SPL does indeed need Rangers ??? I haven't heard many. Most seem determined to maximise damage to us. Rangers are the only club I know of to be punished twice for going into administration. firstly the 10pt deduction & fine then secondly the SFA fines and transfer embargo.
  21. All the more reason that this transfer embargo needs to be fought to the bitter end with the SFA.
  22. Our ultimate aim must be to drive Rhegan out of his SFA position much in the same way Dallas was driven out of his. Then everyone will know we're back in business
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