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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. ANCHORMAN - What I mean is Div3 really must be last resort if all else fails. Frankly I don't want us there. I want us in Div1 or SPL with no sanctions. Green needs to show his worth now and wipe the floor with Regan who must surely be on his way out now. Green has now got the power to determine whether or not SKY stay or not. He must use this power to crush Regan
  2. We must accept no sanctions from Regan whatsoever. Charles Green's No1 priority must be the removal of Regan from his position as CEO at the SFA
  3. let's face facts. We won't be in div3. We'll be in div1 or even SPL. If we go to div3 our game would go into meltdown. The financial implications are that many clubs will go bust or have to go part time. The game would deteriorate drastically.The SFA (even with Regan as CEO) won't allow that to happen. But has Charles Green not called the bluff of SFA/SPL/SFL today by accepting div3? he's forced them into a corner.They need to do something and fast to save Scottish football.Green holds all the aces now.He can demand wherever we play next season(div1 or SPL) that we have no sanctions or transfer embargo.And the SPL must drop its EBT investigation by Celtic's lawyers. If not then we really will go to div3 and the financial carnage will truly begin.
  4. Regan's been a poor CEO at the SFA. It's been one farce after another. However anyone who's done any background on Regan will know it was pretty much the same when he was CEO at Yorkshire CCC. I'd really like to know how he got to be SFA CEO & who recommended him. I think we can guess.
  5. Would the last person leaving Scottish football please remember to put out the lights........... (except us of course. We'll be only ones left after today)
  6. If we're in SPL next season (O'Regan says we won't) then Green must insist on there being no points deduction or transfer embargo. We have a strong bargaining position. Clubs now realise the financial implications of no Rangers in SPL. PLEASE NOTE THIS MR GREEN
  7. liewell's plan was for our newco to be in SPL but with 10pt penalties over next season 3 seasons. As Leggat said his nightmare is SPL without us and being stitched up by 11 other clubs as described above. Don't forget their wage bill must be sky high too
  8. Let's see if any club actually signs any of them, bearing in mind Green says he'll pursue this thro'courts. This could take months. if Green wins Clubs signing these players could effectively have played inelligible players leading to all sorts of issues. Are clubs willing to take that risk?
  9. Novo has said before he is of no religion
  10. can't see us in SPL next season. The 10 teams will vote us out to change the 11-1 voting system. One change which will probably come about is the end of SPL clubs keeping their home gate receipts. Bet LIEWELL hasn't thought about that. Maybe that's why his silence is deafening
  11. A complete squad rebuilding job may be required by the looks of things. Players do not even know what league we'll be in. McCabe would have been a low earner so I'm not too surprised
  12. My main point isn't about EBT's. It's about the debt they had. It's said we cheated by having debt. My point is they had debt too.
  13. yesterday's announcement was that the SPL were to investigate us for dual contracts/EBT's. One arguement THEY make is that we had players we couldn't afford and won titles as a result of this which certain cretins now want removed. But rewind 10 years or so and recall Celtic's financial position too. It wasn't great was it ? remember their Chief Executive called Ian McLEOD? he was a specialist who ran companies with large overdrafts and basically managed that debt. He worked also at troubled companies such as Boots & Halfords as I recall. He, of course, left them b4 suville as the daily rebel at the time published a photo of him playing in a works 5 a side in a Rangers strip a few years b4. Coincidental or what? And do I recall when O'Neil left their debts were around 30million ? this was of course substanially reduced when wee Chesney got them into the CL Knockout stages twice and he got hee-haw to spend So you see when they accuse us of overspending theirs at that time was similar.
  14. Playing in the SPL next season with a points deduction plays right into Celtic's hands. It hands them title on a plate. It's what liewell wants.Would SKY TV & sponsors be happy with that too for that matter? We need to play hardball with these people. If we're in SPL its no points deduction. Our titles aren't negotiable either. They were won fair & square on the pitch.If not we play in first division for a couple of seasons. They (SPL that is) lose their SKY TV contract. We hit them hard for revenge for what we've endured these past few months. Remember too we've no Europe for 3 seasons so Celtic finishing 2nd isn't too disasterous as they'd get CL place regardless where we finish. I hope Green is prepared to take the Regans, Lawwells,Doncasters etc to a dark place. Ultimately that'll decide how successful he is at our club
  15. I think BRAHIMHEMDANI summed things up perfectly. Walter was used
  16. To me there are 2 issues at the moment preventing the consortium saying too much:- 1) the so-called dual contracts/EBT case which it's said could strip titles 2) the newco sanctions For 1) we must fight to the highest court in the land. These were won on the pitch fair & square. The dhims see an opportunity here. They're not interested in whether there was dual contracts or not. They just want to strip Rangers of honours. We must not also allow them to connect 1) & 2) by saying we get into SPL sanction free if we accept penalties/sanctions as a newco from the dual contracts/EBT case For 2) I believe we have to outsmart the SPL here. They have a dilemma: they need us in the SPL for financial reasons but would not want to readmit us without some form of sanctions. Green & Co must play hardball here and say any readmission to SPL must be without sanctions or we go to the SFL. Call their bluff. I think div3 is impractical. There's stadia which hold less than 2,000 people. The police might have something to say also. Why not suggest we play 2 seasons in div1 whereby we'd get promoted(hopefully) at the end of 2013-14 ? there would be 2 advantages to us as I see it: 1) we'd screw their SKY deal 2) the dhims would lose players who wouldn't want to play in SPL without us and get weaker and wouldn't make CL group stages. their revenue would reduce too meaning they'd(hopefully) have a pile of debt. by the time we returned to SPL we'd have one season to play in SPL before we got back into Europe. Obvoiusly we'd lose players over the next 2 seasons but we'd be able to bring thro' young players like Ness, McCabe & co who'd be ready by the time we got back to the SPL. We must not allow ourselves to be a cash cow for the SPL whilst being saddled with loads of penalties & sanctions
  17. Green's consortium haven't got the money for longterm funding. They'll be gone in a few days. Whatever happened to the 20 investers?
  18. We should all realise by now that the whole purpose of this SPL investigation by Celtic's solicitors Harper McLeod isn't whether there were dual contracts or not. It's aim is to find an excuse to try & strip SPL titles from us. We must be prepared to go back to the court of session no matter how many times it takes to show these parasites we mean business.
  19. Most SPL clubs' bank managers will determine how they vote on JUL4. Any drastic forecast reduction in revenue (less TV money, advertising, Rangers visits etc) will result in loans/debts being called in and clubs going into administration then probably bust. If that's how they want to go that is.
  20. Did the greek lawyer actually make these statements?
  21. I've got a better idea. Let's get out of Scottish football altogether and watch it go part time and die. I say again - let's try & join the Dutch league. If we get kicked out of the SPL/SFL then we can go to UEFA & ask their permission to play under an another association

    Prima Facie

    Hate to say it but we're not dealing with the norm here. We're dealing with individuals & organisations whose aim is to put us out of existence.
  23. this is where Charles Green can make a name for himself. Play hardball and kick ass with the SFA/SPL and supporters will soon warm to him. Win these battles and he'll be a legend
  24. Think we're stuck with JJB for time being. We don't exactly have Rangers shops anymore do we ? (except megastore at Ibrox)
  25. Neither consortium has yet convinced me that it has the longterm funding in place. Yes Walter's conso has Jim McColl & Douglas Park involved but are they putting in their own dosh ? and how much ? where will the remaining finance come from ? many answers required from both I'm afraid
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