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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. is it just me or will there be much more interest in us in div3 than SPL ? will that continue throughout season ? if so then is it little wonder SKY are supposedly considering their position regards SPL coverage? Consider this too. What game would the tv audience rather watch? a goalless St Midden vs ICT turgid affair devoid of entertainment or Rangers humping someone 8-0 ?? It'll be intersting to see how this pans out. I just think when the SPL put us to div3 they then deprived themselves of some much needed publicity for what is an already toiling set-up.
  2. once we're back in business we need a strong CEO prepared to launch exocets at the SFA if need be. Currently we've no representation in any of the 3 bodies(SFA/SPL/SFL) and haven't had so for some time now. That needs to change
  3. Regards EBT's, howcome the SFA (apparently) have no interest in stripping us of Scottish Cups won during this period and the SFL have no interest in stripping us of Scottish League Cups won during this period ? it was the same players after all. Given that the SFA are the body to whom any appeal would be made to regards EBT punishments surely the SPL have no case whatsoever.How could we(possibly) be stripped of titles but not cups?
  4. all very well but what exactly does PGB do ? can anyone list its achievements ?
  5. I think league reorganisation is a cert next summer. But can Green get 3 years reduced in any way?
  6. 2015-16 ? Meaning we'd have missed three seasons: 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15. Or can we appeal or will rules change in view of these imminent laughable financial fair play regulations( man city & anzi makhachkala spring to mind)
  7. More interested in what he's done/is doing at the SFA guys? is he formulating SFA policies ? is that a potential conflict of interest ? what exactly is it he does and is he reimbursed for it and if so how much?
  8. Apart from holding the toilet seat while Regan & Doncaster flush what's left of Scottish football down the pan ? no, in all seriousness, exactly what does he do at the SFA ? what's he achieved since Regan invited him onboard ? these are questions that should be getting asked once we're up and running by our CEO or whoever.
  9. The SPL is in its final season. Mark my words. There'll be major reconstruction next summer

    In 6 days

    It looks very much to me that SKY don't want anything to do with their SPL contract if we're not in SPL. Also SPL are contractually obliged to pay SFL £2M. SPL haven't got the money without SKY contract not to mention they need our media rights too which SFL don't want them to get. Intersting week ahead !!!!!!!!11
  11. Is it not the case that SKY have told SPL that unless they can get Rangers media rights(to show Rangers games) then there's no SKY deal for SPL next season ? SFL won't give the SPL Rangers media rights. also SPL pay SFL £2M per season. Without SKY deal(and who knows what value it will be) SPL can't pay this money. Could SPL therefore be insolvent ? All in all a shambles ! Regan & Doncaster created this mess along with the SPL chairmen who voted us out the SPL. Resign at once both of you.
  12. Surely it is for the governing body i.e. the SFA to decide if SFL & SPL can't agree
  13. The problem with Charles Green's consortium is we won't know everything about it(who's in it) til we're back playing football and the punishments/sanctions are over
  14. Don't worry. Soon there will be no SPL. August 10th is its Armaggedon day when it discovers how much (if anything) SKY are prepared to pay for next season's SPL. Just watch for a fashion surge in brown trousers from then on
  15. do we really know for sure the problem with the SPL is the removal of SPL titles ?
  16. dean shiels may be a decent signing but it's really an out-and-out striker we really need. Dean isn't really that. more of an attacking MF IMO from what I've seen of him
  17. leggo's exclusive was with SFA not stripping us of Scottish Cup wins. How could we keep SC & league cups but not SPL titles ? same players. I suspect SPL are in blind panic as SKY are ready to walk and want monies from our televised games
  18. forget the SFA. I'm more concerned about whatever the SPL's problem is. As I've said in earlier posts is it not the case that for this new proposed transfer embargo we'd only be unable to register players in JAN2013? aug31 2013 is on a sunday so surely the transfer window would stay open a day or 2 into september when we could sign players ???? What's the SPL problem?
  19. griffiths not the answer. was poor last season for the trainspotters
  20. Surely the SFA (as the governing body) can over-rule the SPL ? My take on MM's statement is that agreement with the SFA has been reached provided we accept this delayed tranfer embargo.
  21. Ally needs to get to work right away. We need bodies in now especially a striker or two
  22. EXACTLY. This is what I've been saying. All in all it's only really JAN2013 when we'll be completely unable to bring anyone in. We need to get cracking however and get bodies in.
  23. Just hope we've not volunteerd for anything else. I think this embargo isn't as bad as might have been as I said on others posts. Remember SEP01 2013 is on a sunday next year so the transfer window probably won't close til Monday SEP02 or the day after. In saying that though we'd need to get our act together next summer regards signing players...........
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