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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Either that is the case or Leggo's big exclusive today about Ally playing hardball with Rhegan over the loss of titles etc is complete 'Barry White'!
    leggo's exclusive was with SFA not stripping us of Scottish Cup wins. How could we keep SC & league cups but not SPL titles ? same players. I suspect SPL are in blind panic as SKY are ready to walk and want monies from our televised games
  2. forget the SFA. I'm more concerned about whatever the SPL's problem is. As I've said in earlier posts is it not the case that for this new proposed transfer embargo we'd only be unable to register players in JAN2013? aug31 2013 is on a sunday so surely the transfer window would stay open a day or 2 into september when we could sign players ????

    What's the SPL problem?

  3. IIRC we may be able to get away with only missing the January window as our transfer registration ban expires 31/08/13 whilst the window closes 02/09/13 due to 31/08/13 falling on a Saturday.
    EXACTLY. This is what I've been saying. All in all it's only really JAN2013 when we'll be completely unable to bring anyone in. We need to get cracking however and get bodies in.
  4. Just hope we've not volunteerd for anything else.

    I think this embargo isn't as bad as might have been as I said on others posts.

    Remember SEP01 2013 is on a sunday next year so the transfer window probably won't close til Monday SEP02 or the day after. In saying that though we'd need to get our act together next summer regards signing players...........

  5. IMO there'll be serious league reconstruction next summer(not to mention serious panic stations over the SPL SKY TV deal which may or may not exist by then). The worst we'll find ourselves in IMO is one division below SPL (if it's still called that by then)

    That's why it's important we make good signings over these next 6 weeks. Preferably players in the under 25 age bracket.

  6. think about this for a minute.................


    we can sign anyone in next 6 weeks.

    we can't sign anyone in Jan 2013.

    we can't sign anyone until Aug31 2013.


    BUT Who's to say we couldn't get a few Bosmans to train with us next summer (and maybe play them as trialists in friendlies) and sign them on SEP1 next year ?

  7. think about this for a minute.............


    we can sign players in next 6 weeks.

    we can't sign anyone in January

    we can't sign anyone next year up until AUG31


    BUT - who is to say we couldn't get a couple of Bosman's to train with us over next summer & sign them on SEPT 1 2013 ????

  8. Has anyone else heard rumour SKY are quitting SPL altogether ? how many SPL clubs would that mean going into administration !!!!! and have the SPL considered the scenario where SPL clubs won't be able to complete their fixtures ?

  9. Green must deliver an exocet to the SFA asap. We need to show these people we mean business. Tell them we don't recognise their kangaroo court and will still claim 54 titles regardless of what they say. Don't worry fellow bears when details of the SPL SKY contract are known on AUG10 they'll all realise their mistake then by putting us in div3. My guess is SKY may wish to leave altogether.

    And btw what's compliance officer Vincent Lunny going to speak to Ally about ? apparently you can chase a referee on the pitch at hampden or call a referee a criminal and get a slap on the wrist so what's he going to do to Ally then?

  10. Remember an EBT is technically a loan which has to be paid back at a distant date (in reality it never is paid back). It's not an additional contract as such but as I said a loan from the people administering the EBT scheme i.e. the trustees.

  11. If we accept this illegal signing embargo then they'll come up with something else. Then something else. It will go on and on and on.

    FFS can we not see it is Liewell who runs the SFA with Regan as his puppet. Green needs to fight fire with fire and start an all out assault on the corrupt SFA.

    We've been punished enough: 10pt deduction to concede SPL title last season, heavily fined and not to mention demoted to div3. I rest my case

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