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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. They are not and were not bullshitting anyone regarding the lack of commumication from the club. It's completely unfair to say they've been telling porkies, bullshitting or whatever else you want to call it when practically all of the players have commented about the lack of communication including players who have stuck with us. Someone else mentioned Jig talking about it which is true and Andy Little also commented on the lack of communication. You can't pick and choose which players you're calling liars when they all have the same story regarding this subject of poor communication.
    Sorry M8 but I don't think any of the departees had any intention of staying. As I said they saw an opportunity and took it.
  2. Young players like Ness & McCabe wouldn't have been on particularly high wages at Rangers. They saw an opportunity to get out & get better deals elsewhere and took it. All I ask of them and all the others who did likewise is to stop bull-shitting us with 'lack of communication' and 'uncertainty'. We know why you all left. We are not stupid. Just be honest with all of us Rangers supporters. That's all.

  3. I always wondered why the SPL didn't announce the value of their SKY/ESPN contract. I believe there'll be all sorts of clauses in it like us being back in top league again next year ( if it's still called the SPL).

  4. Just a small and posibly insignificant point , but Scotland make up 10% of the UK population approx . Now the bottom team in the EPL gets £18.5 million from domestic Tv rights alone , the BBC spends a fortune on match of the day rights yet in Scotland the top team gets less than £3 million in total from the BBC and SKY , why there has not been an investigation into this is beyond me .As licence fee payers surely we are due the same level of expenditure as down south .


    My point is if you need to get the right people running the game & negotiating these contracts. Regan, Doncaster & Co clearly aren't

  5. as we still await official figures for the new SPL TV deal (rumour has it that it's reduced but by how much ?) perhaps no one seemed to notice the deal the Dutch league struck recently with Fox International allegedly worth 1billion euros over 12 years, with first year worth 60million and following years worth 80-100 million euros.

    just goes to show how poor the SPL deal is. Does this not show that another smallish country can negotiate a deal worth vastly more than what ours is if you get the right people in charge.

    The Regans and Doncasters have been an abject failure. They have not moved Scottish football forward. They must be removed along with their chums like Lawwell and Petrie too whose only involvement appears to be an anti-Rangers agenda whilst Scottish football is dying on its feet.

  6. he cant just become a football manager, he either has it or he doesnt and ally doesnt.


    Much as though I'd like to disagree with you M8 I can't.

    Ally will be judged on how successful he is and by that I mean winning trophies.

    That's why the league cup & Scottish Cup are so important this season.

    Also I wonder how long Green & co will put up with results like todays

  7. the bottom team in the EPL gets £18.5 million per year from the home tv contract ie the one match of the day signed , never mind the sky portion


    And the Dutch League (eredivisie) gets something like 70million euros p.a.

    when dhoncaster & o'rhegan were recruited weren't they supposed to change all this ?

    the SPL have actually got a worse deal than they originally had.

  8. the defence wasn't great 2day but the lack of creativity was a big worry for me. Are we intending to sign any wide players or just punt the ball up the middle ?

    If we want to use Kyle properly we need someone who can get to the bye-line and get decent crosses into the box for him

  9. today we went with two 17 year olds, Ian Black & Dean Shields who plays so far forward can he really be called a midfielder ? in all honesty that midfield would struggle in any league. It was outnumbered constantly.

    Are there any plans to bring in more midfielders ?

    when McCulloch went back to midfield after Kyle came on things improved significantly. Pity Ally didn't think of this earlier

  10. SPL rule D9.3 states:


    no player may receive payment of any description from or on behalf of a club in respect of that player's participation in Association football or in any activity connected with association football, other than in reimbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred in actually playing or training for that club unless such payment is made in accordance with a contract of service between club and player.


    Is this the rule we've supposedly broken ? where does it state dual contracts are forbidden ? where does it state dual contracts at all ?


    Can someone please enlighten me on this.

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