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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. As I understand, the SPL refuse to pay it to us as they say we're now a newco ( they probably haven't got £2m to give us anyway).

    If that's the case then surely this money is due to the oldco and are D&P or BDO(as administrators or liquidators) not legally required to get this money to maximise the creditor's pot for the oldco? if so and the SPL don't have this money could they themselves be forced into administration ?


  2. "independent committee of experts on sports law will rule on the case"


    is that the celtic lawyers?


    We should tell the SPL that if they attempt to strip titles then we'll see them in a court of law. Who knows UEFA or FIFA may then decide to suspend the SFA or something like that. Now that would be a shame.

  3. We should have enough to get out of SFL 3 and half a season in SFL 2.


    not sure we'll be in SFL2 next season M8. League reconstruction is a certainty. I realise I'm in a minority but I want Rangers playing in the top division as soon as possible.

  4. in my opinion we needed another couple of midfielders & another central defender. Time will tell but I don't think we've enough depth to this squad to last til Jan2014 although as I understand things we can sign free agents after Sept1 2013.

    Templeton should be a good signing but did we really need another forward ?

  5. We know full well which journalists in which so-called newspapers have an agenda against us. Likewise in broadcasting too. It is vital now that the club takes steps to ban these people from Ibrox for good. Only then will the message start to get thro' to the people who employ these cretins that we will no longer tolerate their anti-Rangers bigotry that CG correctly mentioned recently.

  6. the midfield was embarassing yes but the same can be said of the defence who were all over the place and a strike force who didnt look interested which is worrying. there was no plan and no organisation, and if there is no plan a then there is certainly no plan b when things dont go to plan!


    agreed defence looked a shambles at times but I honestly never thought we'd see the day in the third division where we'd be worried about our defence. Next week could go a long way to determining how successful Ally will be. He simply has to get quality into the club in particular in the MF & wide areas.

  7. The worrying area of the team for me is the midfield. It creates next to nothing. Today we had two 17 year olds plus Ian Black & Lee McCulloch. I'm sorry but I think that MF would struggle in any division. Big Jig simply hasn't the mobility to play there anymore and youngsters will be inconsistent. We needs a couple of midfielders and a winger ASAP.Problem is who and are they of good enough quality.

  8. You're so mad that a guy from Yorkshire came out of nowhere and had more brains than the morons you blindly followed.
    few are in same league as Mr Naqvi. This man is in same league as Abramovich at Chelsea. Only difference is Abramovich owns Chelsea. Mr Naqvi doesn't own Rangers ( yet)
  9. What amazes me is that most people seem to miss the point in this league reconstruction. The likely hoped-for scenario(for the SPL anyway) is sone sort of SPL1& SPL2 which would virtually make the SFL redundant or significantly downsized in number & power in my opinion. Will the SFL accept this ? Or will a power battle ensue between the current SPL & SFL to see who runs the scottish leagues ?

    People forget that putting us into the SFL was a major coup for the SFL. For example we now have a situation regards live televised SKY games where the SFL viewing figures are higher than that of the SPL.(After only a couple of games I know). Will that continue and if so what will the SFL do?

    Interesting times lie ahead, that's for sure. I think eventually both Regan & Doncaster will fall on their swords as their past records suggest complete incompetence. I wouldn't send either for the messages never mind league reconstruction. They're both out of their depth and we can all see it.

  10. I didn't mate but the thicko players and their agents chose to listen what version made them the most money and what do you know it wasn't transfer of contract to Newco.


    the old business (now RFC 2012 plc) is an empty corporate shell with the £5.5m in its bank account which no doubt HMRC and D&P will help themselves to eventually if it gets liquidated although there seems to problems with its parent company (one of whyte's companies )being liquidated as objections were raised. The assets of the old business ( the club, players, ibrox & murray park ) were transferred over to the newco. The newco was/is 'free of litigation' as HMRC said at the time and also 'the club will continue to play at ibrox' ( note words please. HMRC said these at time of newco).

  11. While I agree the PFA handled this terribly and filled their heads full of nonsense. I'm not buying that the club intentionally made life difficult on the gamble that their highest paid players would refuse to transfer over so getting them off the wage bill.


    did none of you listen to what HMRC said ? 'the club will be sold & continue to play at ibrox'. It's the same club FFS. Even HMRC said it. Don't listen to PFA led by some deadbeat trotsky like Wishart or Higgins.

  12. I thought HMRC had given the newco and asset transfer the green light when it knocked back the CVA.


    HMRC did give newco authorisation for transfer of assets from oldco to newco. As they said 'club would be sold and continue to play at ibrox' (note club 'sold' not liquidated which a few of our intellectually-challenged friends from other parts find difficult to comprehend). Also newco would be 'free of litigation' meaning the BTC will be completely meaningless to us now financially i.e. even if HMRC won Newco not liable

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