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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. CG must do all he can to get last season's prize money even it means going to a court of law. We'll see what Doncaster says then ? Also if they've coped why's Regan talking about league reconstruction then ?
  2. We need better tactics, better organisation and some sort of a gameplan from our management/coaching staff. These have been sadly lacking in addition to a few surprising team selections e.g. Hutton's omission last saturday.Also players often being played out of position not helpful either
  3. The SPL have a problem. They need the Rangers pound (as Bill McMurdo would say). Their problem is that when the SPL clubs wouldn't stand up to LIEWELL & Petrie and voted us out the SPL there was no quick return for us as things currently stand. Now the SPL is staring into a black financial hole with much reduced revenues and a bleak future. Sponsors are either going altogether or like SKY will undoubtedly want to pay much less next season. CG knows this. The SFL know this and they now have a strong bargaining position.The SFL clubs have no real desire for Regan's reconstruction with Rangers now in their ranks. The SPL still owe us last season's prize money which CG may well need to take legal action to get (although they probably haven't got the money). Not to mention their EBT investigation which may also end up in a court of law. As I said on another blog on here last night if we take the SPL/SFA to court over these then UEFA/FIFA may well suspend scottish club sides & national side. How sad would that be.(NOT) Yes I would most certainly agree we may well be the club who finishes the SPL but the football authorities have picked a fight with us which we must see thru' to the bitter end
  4. According to Bill McMurdo's blog (either today or yesterday) the SFA are trying to build bridges with Rangers. Exact opposite of what Leggo saying here. Remember, do the SFA & SPL not owe Rangers about £3million between them ? CG will no doubt want to recover that money(money which I doubt the SFA & SPL have) by whatever means even in a court of law which would have dire consequences for Scottish football would it not? could UEFA not suspend the SFA and scottish club sides and the national side get banned from European competetions as a result of Rangers pursuing the SFA/SPL in court action ? JUST A THOUGHT........
  5. I wasn't at the game on saturday but if the referee saw that 'tackle' and issued a yellow card then he should be demoted and must never referee in senior football again. Ian Black is fortunate not to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
  6. after that horrendous so-called tackle on Black last saturday what's Lunny doing about it? was quick enough last season going after Rangers players was he not ? or is it only Rangers players who get suspensions
  7. I wasn't at the game on saturday thankfully but today I saw the a clip of the assault on IanBlack & by my reckoning that's the third time in SFL3 this season a player should have had a straight red card for a supposed tackle on Ian Black. When will our manager come out publicly and say the referee & his assistants got it wrong ? if the referee missed it did one of his assistants not see this was a straight red? or did they not want to say so ? if not why? players will become disillusioned without the support of their manager in these instances. Wise up Ally. Just about every manager in the country would have been slaughtering the referee if it happened to their team in these three incidents
  8. I've never bought record/sunday mail ever since the day we went 2 celtic park (and won 1-0) to effectively clinch 9IAR. McNee's column had a headline 'smith must go' -
  9. Regards the OP, he'll probably get to the end of season regardless. Then a big decision needs to be taken if he is to take us forward as performances simply aren't good enough I'm afraid
  10. If CG thinks an orange strip will sell in great numbers then one will be brought out. Makes commercial sense whether anyone likes it or not.
  11. as Bill McMurdo said in a recent blog the SFA & SPL have met their match in CG
  12. Is it not the case that HMRC are only interested if payments made to these EBT's were contractual, therefore taxable ? Payments are supposed to be discretionary i.e. would mean no contract. I fail to see how 'side letters' could be considered contracts. If HMRC fail in their case due to 'side letters' not being considered as contracts where would that leave the SPL investigation ? surely they wouldn't pursue this any further. It's often overlooked that EBT's were used by thousands of UK companies throughout the 2000's and were perfectly legal if used correctly
  13. Exactly what I've been thinking for some time now.......... Why haven't D&P gone after this money?
  14. To win on Wed we'lll need to control MF like 2nd half yesterday
  15. I'm afraid this is Scotland 2012. They are in positions of power throughout the country in particular the legal , political & media professions. And, of course, they're running the football authorities. Look at what happened at Annan Railway Station last weekend. Like something from Stalin's USSR. Do Shellik supporters get treated this way? you tell me
  16. when league reconstruction comes around (and it will)a condition of our participation must be that the transfer embargo is dropped.
  17. let's go to lawcourts. Let's hope UEFA suspend Scottish clubs from europe & national team too. Revenge will then be truly sweet.
  18. Who is SFA compliance officer i.e.celtic-supporting Vincent Lunny kidding ? this banner was offensive but other than a slap on the wrist the SFA will do absolutely nothing about it. Meanwhile Rangers supporters arriving at Annan Railway Station last Saturday are subjected to something more associated with Stalin's USSR whereby they'd photos taken & ID requested upon arriving at the wee insignificant town. Perhaps Lunny could do something useful for a change ( rather than helping his beloved Shellik) & investigate this. BTW the green brigade have storeroom at the brendanbeu(obviously approved by Liewell & co) where they are allowed access to store these banners b4 games so as they can avoid any police searches that might not allow these banners into the brendanbeu on matchdays. Of course that won't happen cos the police generally let them do as they please at the brendanbeu & away games too judging by the IRA songs sung
  19. according to Bill McMurdo's blog today the word HUN refers to either followers of ATTILA or german soldiers from WW1 I think he said. Can someone please enlighten me as to how we are referred to by the uneducated masses as HUNS ? Where's the connection ? or is it wee daft bhoys again ?
  20. The job of Rangers manager needs to have performance targets like any management position. I'm sorry but going out Europe last season to Malmo & Maribor, going out the league cup to Falkirk last season and now tonights debacle doesn't suggest to me that any performance targets are being met
  21. Sorry Ally but I expect to be Queen of the South every time. Please stop the excuses
  22. when I go to my bed at night I thank the lord Charles Green is now our chief executive and not Martin Bain. Long may this man be our chief executive - a man who fights for Rangers in every respect.
  23. And resign. We all appreciate what you've taken us thro' these past 7 months but the stark truth is your simply not up to it as Rangers manager. Watching you standing in the dugout arms folded looking as if you've no idea what to do when things aren't going well tells me a lot. Last season was pretty much the same until Aluko arrived. He papered over a lot of cracks but unfortunately that's not going to happen this season. We need better performances and results starting now.I'm sorry but I don't think you're the manager to do that Ally. I've been on here before saying I think we're short in numbers in midfield. (I mean proper midfielders not fullbacks & central defenders playing there). We don't have the creativity so we struggle to make decent chances. I couldn't believe it in the summer when the only recognisable midfielder we signed was Ian Black.That simply wasn't enough as tonite showed. Who will replace Ally ? I'll suggest Billy Davies, someone who has proved he can manage in the English Championship which I think makes him as good a candidate as we'll get at present. Of course there are others.
  24. Tend to think the SPL might (and I say that without any conviction BTW) scrape thro' this season. However next season is a definite NO-NO without us and CG knows this. Interesting negotiations lie ahead for our re-entry.
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