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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Rangers newco, sevco, Rangers no more! If the banner was in that theme then that's ok, but these filthy chancers are promoting the IRA and encouraging their young supporters to join in.

    Something has to be done to stop this trend, and quickly.


    I'm afraid this is Scotland 2012. They are in positions of power throughout the country in particular the legal , political & media professions. And, of course, they're running the football authorities.

    Look at what happened at Annan Railway Station last weekend. Like something from Stalin's USSR. Do Shellik supporters get treated this way? you tell me

  2. Who is SFA compliance officer i.e.celtic-supporting Vincent Lunny kidding ? this banner was offensive but other than a slap on the wrist the SFA will do absolutely nothing about it.

    Meanwhile Rangers supporters arriving at Annan Railway Station last Saturday are subjected to something more associated with Stalin's USSR whereby they'd photos taken & ID requested upon arriving at the wee insignificant town.

    Perhaps Lunny could do something useful for a change ( rather than helping his beloved Shellik) & investigate this.


    BTW the green brigade have storeroom at the brendanbeu(obviously approved by Liewell & co) where they are allowed access to store these banners b4 games so as they can avoid any police searches that might not allow these banners into the brendanbeu on matchdays. Of course that won't happen cos the police generally let them do as they please at the brendanbeu & away games too judging by the IRA songs sung

  3. And resign.

    We all appreciate what you've taken us thro' these past 7 months but the stark truth is your simply not up to it as Rangers manager. Watching you standing in the dugout arms folded looking as if you've no idea what to do when things aren't going well tells me a lot.

    Last season was pretty much the same until Aluko arrived. He papered over a lot of cracks but unfortunately that's not going to happen this season. We need better performances and results starting now.I'm sorry but I don't think you're the manager to do that Ally.

    I've been on here before saying I think we're short in numbers in midfield. (I mean proper midfielders not fullbacks & central defenders playing there). We don't have the creativity so we struggle to make decent chances. I couldn't believe it in the summer when the only recognisable midfielder we signed was Ian Black.That simply wasn't enough as tonite showed.

    Who will replace Ally ? I'll suggest Billy Davies, someone who has proved he can manage in the English Championship which I think makes him as good a candidate as we'll get at present. Of course there are others.

  4. Good piece and while it's probably spot on, it's worth noting that there was no precedent for our ex fellow member clubs expelling us from the SPL and no precedent for the SFA slamming us with a transfer ban that wasn't a listed sanction in their regulations.


    When the SPL ceases to exist, (which won't be long in coming) a condition of our re-entry to the top division (whatever it may be called) is that this ridiculous transfer embargo be abolished.

  5. I can totally believe this. They done a super underground job on us and still have us by the balls. They are just like the IRA they sing about, putting sleepers in position to strike at a later date.


    no one should ever under estimate the job Fullerton & Kane did to us at LBG. Effectively preventing us signing players for 2 years despite chairman AJ substantially reducing bank debt then forcing SDM to sell club to Whyte who was a disaster waiting to happen.

  6. It would be extremely harsh to strip us of titles on a technicality ie the side letters, especially since the EBTs were declared to the SPL every year.


    As for the latest catchword that is getting right up my nose, "financial doping", the payment of big money signings by Celtic directors is exactly the same. The players are paid what they are paid. Our players were paid by the club, end of story. The EBts are not illegal, apparently the way we administered them was. It has been said repeatedly that this was done after consultation with experts and that the club did not knowingly administer them wrongly. In other words a technicality.


    As for the explanation of Celtic's EBT being after The player left. Don't insult my intelligence by expecting me to believe that it was not by prior agreement ie a side letter.


    I don't think these EBT's were declared to SPL. That's the so-called problem although I'd be interested to know exactly which SPL rule has been broken (if you've read them like I have). Having said that these EBT's were declared in section6 of our accounts every year and the SFA gave us a licence to play every year so in that respect you have to ask serious questions who's behind all this and why (we probably do know but 'they' won't come out & say so)

  7. Said it before and I'll say it again, we're seriously short in midfield. We needed another couple and couldn't believe we didn't bring them in during transfer window. What if Ian Black gets injured ? we'll be in real trouble then as I don't think playing Jig there is an option any longer as he's clearly lost a bit of pace (not that he had too much to begin with)

  8. there were two items in CG's statement I found of considerable interest:-


    1) he threatens 'legal recourse' if titles stripped. Can SPL afford a long legal battle? if we're in law courts again what will UEFA do ? suspend SFA ?

    2) CG said Doncaster wasn't originally intersted in stripping titles. What's now changed ? who decided ? Who's actually running SPL ?


    I find it strange SFA (who are the appeal body for us)have no interest in removing Scottish Cups won during this EBT period.

  9. As I understand it, Celtic didn't declare Juninho's EBT to SPL/SFA. Yes they paid HMRC the tax but that's not the issue here. The fact they didn't declare it means they are, potentially, in same boat as us but the biased Celtic-supporting individual at the SPL(Ian Blair) who carried out this 'investigation' won't/can't accept that fact

  10. Excellent OP by Bill McMurdo but Great Britain is not a nation but an island containing three nations: England, Scotland & Wales. Personally I look upon myself first & foremost as a UK citizen (which of course includes N.I.). Our passports state this.

    I particularly liked Bill's comment above the Scottish shirt having the Royal emblem i.e. lion rampant. Good point indeed

  11. Are we forgetting it was LBG who forced SDM to sell the club to Whyte and if he did not do so LBG would withdraw credit ?

    Do you remember who was then in charge of LBG Business in Scotland ? Manus J Fullarton and his sidekick Archibald Gerald Kane. Guess who they support?

    They knew Whyte's past business record and hadn't the funds to run Rangers and was an accident waiting to happen.

    Fullarton is a member of the Celtic Trust and is now working as an advisor to Harper McLeod, who are both Celtic's & the SPL 's lawyers who carried out the investigation into Rangers' use of EBT's

    Make your own minds up about this. I've certainly made up mine. Corruption & conflicts of interest on a grand scale.

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